The transplant is done. There was not any allergic reaction at all - TopicsExpress


The transplant is done. There was not any allergic reaction at all during the transplant. That was the main concern Dr. Kline had about the transplant at this point. Dr. Kline, the attending oncologist/hematologist, was here for the whole thing. He is an amazing, awesome Dr. The transplant took about 45 minutes, not long at all & lisa slept pretty much through the whole transplant.They are checking her vitals every 15 minutes for the next hour, then every hour through the night & tomorrow morning. She is getting a lot of medication right now for rejection & any possible allergic reaction she might have from the transplant. The nurses & Dr. Kline said that she will probably sleep through the night & not wake up until tomorrow morning. Dr Kline said the hard part will be in the next week to week & a half because her blood counts will be dropping. She will start feeling sick from the side effects of the chemo she got earlier this week. She will be neutropenic the middle to end of next week. Neutropenia is when her white blood cell count & immune system will be completely gone until the transplanted bone marrow starts to develop a new immune system. The Dr.s said her blood type will change to what the donors blood type is with time. The color of her eyes & hair could possibly change over time to what the donors color is also. The biggest thing now for Lisa is her recovery. The team of Dr.s will be watching her closely for graft versus host disease & certain infections that come along with the GVH disease. All the comments, prayers, & support from all of you is what is keeping Lisa positive through this journey. I cant thank all of you enough for that. God bless all of you!!!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 04:50:34 +0000

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