The treatment now fully completed, Brett decided that the time was - TopicsExpress


The treatment now fully completed, Brett decided that the time was not yet right to return to the UK and will instead complete his son’s treatment in Spain. “Last week, and even the week prior to that, we were deciding on: what should we do now? Should we go back to England? Or should we go back to Spain, because [our other] children had to be enrolled in school in Spain. And we have a property there. So we decided to go back to Spain. We don’t feel 100 percent safe, if you like, about going back to England. We still have something inside us that something might happen. That we will be in trouble again and Ashya will be taken away from us. So for the time being, we just want to go back to Spain, relax, get this [further] treatment out of the way that Ashya has to have. And then hopefully, after they have done this investigation in England, and everything has been settled, then we can go back to England. ”It was worth everything, because the treatment has been so gentle on him. You see, they measure it. The dosage is 1.8 Gy. An X-Ray that you might give a child is a milligray. So that would be like a thousand X-Rays a day. But this proton therapy is so much more gentle than we could have even imagined or hoped for. So we are very happy with the treatment. Fair enough, he has lost a little bit of hair, and he has a little bit of redness [on his head] but that is the only side-effect. It hasn’t affected anything else. His appetite is back, he can distinguish between flavours, and has no problems with that.”.... “Of course, if anyone asked me now at the end of everything ‘would you do the same thing again?’ I would say ‘of course, without any doubt’. Because, I’ve spoken to my wife about this before...people said: ‘didn’t you take a big risk – it ended up very badly for your wife and yourself?’ But what parent who loves their child thinks what risk is there going to be in this for me? Any child that falls over on a boat or something, the parents without thinking would jump in. You won’t think ‘well I might drown’. The main thin is to look after your children. So, we’re very happy that he got the treatment in the end, and it was worth whatever trials we had to go through ourselves. We’re not important. Spending time in prison was bad, but Ashya getting through this, keeping him with us is the main goal. And we’ve been able to achieve that.”
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:56:19 +0000

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