The truest test of a leader’s net worth is not what they do when - TopicsExpress


The truest test of a leader’s net worth is not what they do when things are going good, it’s what they do when things are going bad. The history books will most likely will be very kind to President Obama as there are not many historians/writers willing to be called a racist, risk death threats and be lambasted by the lame-stream media. Having the audacity to tell the truth could have dire consequences either bodily or professionally but I think that is a part of the bigger problem that exist in America today. Being politically correct (PC) is the mantra especially for those on the left but however there are not too many folks on the left being PC to the center or the right. PC does not allow for proper communication regardless of the topic but then again PC is mostly used to stifle viable dialogue anyway. PC also allows for anyone to outright lie as it is the core value and purpose of being politically correct if you want to be honest about it. You often cross the line when you disagree with someone that has strong political beliefs which are typically ideological and the same could be said about religion too. Ideological folks are extremely closed minded to open dialogue but once they do “open up“, they are typically harsh, condescending and sometimes vulgar metaphorically speaking that is. In my opinion, all ideological folks are bad people mainly because they don’t care about you or what you may believe in regardless of the substance and validly of your beliefs. They choose to live in there own world and to hell with the real world that most of us live in. The vicious circle that we are suffering in is getting tighter and tighter mostly because of the ideological, self serving politicrats that occupy the three branches of our government. The ultimate checks and balance that the Constitution allows for has been purposely negated by our current “representative democracy” (said with disdain and vile). Majority rules is just a facade now a days especially because “We The People” don’t have the impeachment or recall power over our political oppressors in Washington. Our nation was built on freedom and was guaranteed by our Constitution however we are not really “free” and our Constitution is being desecrated by the very folks that swore an oath to protect and defend it and I‘m not talking about our military because some have died to honor that very oath. Bottom line, our leadership is the problem regardless of color, creed, orientation, ideology etc. and until “We The People” get back the power that is ours granted and guaranteed by the Constitution, we are screwed as a nation. **Just One’s Own Opinion**
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 05:12:26 +0000

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