The truly successful life is woven over time into a masterpiece as - TopicsExpress


The truly successful life is woven over time into a masterpiece as you fashion the life of your dreams. If it was easy more people would enjoy the life that they truly desire but it’s a lot of hard work and dedication. That’s why only a select few ever taste the rewards on the other side of all that hard work and toil. It’s getting up early and staying up late doing what is necessary to learn and grow. It’s getting knocked down repeatedly, having to change your approach over and over again then getting back up and fighting for what you believe in even when everything seems to be falling apart. It’s fueling that burning desire inside of you, that passion to be and do what you were truly made to do using your God given talents to the very best of your capabilities no matter what obstacles stand in your way. Obstacles are a part of life and are put in your path for the very reason of helping you become stronger and more deserving of what lies ahead when you overcome them. Everyone is capable of achieving the life that they truly desire but only a select few are willing to do whatever it takes to get there. Many of the most successful people in this world started with nothing and over decades of hard work (not hours, days, months or years but decades of hard work) they have broken through and are now enjoying the life that they truly deserve. Success is about creating the daily disciplines that will take you and your ship to where you are destined to be. I know that over time I’m going to enjoy the life only a select few enjoy because I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I read books, listen to audios and go to the gym for hours every day. I attend seminars and am constantly meeting new people to learn and grow from. I have a sickening work ethic and I take that with me where ever I go. For now I’m willing to live like no one else so that later I will be able to live and give like no one else. Ask yourself, “Where are my current daily disciplines taking me?” Some of you are headed for disaster and if you don’t change your daily disciplines soon, your ship is going to end up somewhere that you truly don’t want to be. I know this for a fact because I made that mistake by sowing the seeds of my old disastrous lifestyle. Anybody can change in an instant. I’m living proof of that. I hope that some of you will become inspired and join me on my journey. It’s not going to be easy, but I promise you it’s going to be worth it. To your success my friends!!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 12:50:55 +0000

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