The truth about Islam is ugly. It is so ugly that no one wants to - TopicsExpress


The truth about Islam is ugly. It is so ugly that no one wants to look at it. It is vile, disgusting and crude. We reveal the truth with brutal honesty, and challenge anyone to prove us wrong. The truth is that Muhammad was a psychopath. He was a liar, a pedophile, an assassin, a rapist, a thief, a lecher, a narcissist, a terrorist, a mass murderer and a madman. Muslims emulate their prophet and this explains the madness in the Islamic world. They are vile and violent because they worship a criminal. Muhammad and Islam do not deserve respect any more than Charles Manson and his cult do. The fact that more than a billion benighted souls worship a thug does not make this cult and its founder deserving of respect. Muhammad should not be compared to Jesus, Buddha or Zoroaster, but to insane criminals like Hitler, Stalin, Jim Jones, Shoko Asahara and Charles Manson. Islam is not a religion. It’s a cult – a very evil and dangerous cult. My goal is to open the eyes of Muslims and tear down the wall of distrust that Muhammad has erected between them and the rest of mankind. I want these lost souls to see that we are all humans, and that no sane god would send a religion to divide mankind. No real god would instruct one group to hate another. No god can be as evil as Muhammad’s Allah. Allah is not God. Originally known as the Moon god Hubaal (Ha Baal in Hebrew), Muhammad carved this deity in his own image. Like his creator, Allah is a narcissist. Muhammad defined Allah is: khairul mâkerin, (the best deceiver) 3:54, al mutakabbir (the proud one, the haughty one) 59:23 , al jabbâr (the compeller, the oppressor, the tyrant) 59:23, al qahhâr (the subduer) 13:16, 14:48, 38:65, 39:4, 40:16 , al khâfid (the abaser) 95:5, al mudhell (the humiliator) 3:26, al mumit (the death giver) 3:156, 7:158, 15:23, 57:2, al muntaqim (the avenger) 32:22, 43:41, 44:16, al mua’khkhir (the delayer) 71:4 and ad-dârr (the harmer the afflicter) 6:17. These are satanic attributes. 15 hrs · Like · 3 Chip Henderson Islam is a tool of Satan. It is the religion of Antichrist because it denies the Father and the Son. How could Jesus be that which denies Him?? Islam opposes Jesus and Jesus will destroy it one day! Yashua (aka. Jesus) is the Son of the qwweLiving YHWH. The Bible is clear on this point. Jesus states so unequivocally, YHWH states clearly in several passages: “This is My Son…” And the miracles performed by Jesus bear witness to his title. Many 1st century Christians who witnesses these things and testified to them never recanted even to the point of torture and death. The residual power of their testimony brought the manifestation of the Power of the One True God through the lives of numerous believers and even manifests today as those who have believed in Jesus have also become children of YHWH. Having studied both the Bible and the Koran. In the Koran, the “god” who calls himself “allah - the one and only god” makes it quite clear that he would never have a son nor take unto himself a son…allah even chastises Christian believers on this point. But the Bible is also clear as to where such an abominable lie originates. John, Jesus’ closest disciple (who was reported to have been boiled in oil for his ceaseless testimony) wrote: “…and every spirit that does not confess Jesus [as the Son of God come to earth in the flesh] is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.” So, if allah denies Jesus is the Son of the One True God, then he is…? Now consider that angels cannot procreate (Matthew 22:30) and one sees the true identity of allah. Yet it is written in the Koran: “They say (christians), Allah hath begotten a son! - Glory be to Him! He is Self Sufficient! His are all things in the heavens, And on the earth! No warrant, Have ye for this! Say ye About Allah what ye know not? Say: those who invent a lie against Allah will never propser (Surah 10:68) The best form of a lie is one couched inside a twisted truth… allah denies having begotten a son. If allah is really the Fallen Angel of Darkness, then such a statement is a true statement, for Lucifer -- an angel -- was not granted the power to procreate (have off spring). Then he lies by calling himself the “one true god” Where have we seen that claim before? Oh, yes…. “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations! But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. ‘I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ “Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol, To the recesses of the pit. (Iasiah 14:12-15). allah is a liar and the father of lies and the truth is not in him. The REAL bible Jesus prophesied His own crucifixion in Matt 26:2 & Matt 20:18-19 Islams Sura 4:157 calls Jesus a liar & believe jesus was replaced during His walk to Golgotha. If Jesus was a muslim then Jesus spoke as a baby under a Palm tree! If Jesus was a muslim then Jesus called Himself a muslim & said the word: allah! None of these can be corroborated thru the bible but ONLY thru the quran! This is the very same quran whose scribes decided to rewrite the words in our Book of Genesis by reversing the roles of Isaac & Ishmael! The quran, which all who are reading this should remember, came 600 yrs after the Pentateuch was written! The quran believes it was Ishmael that Abraham tried to sacrifice while Genesis says it was Isaac! The plans & wishes of GOD (YHWH-Elohim) in Genesis were as follows: 1) Called ONLY the seed of Isaac (Gen 21:12 & Heb 11:17-18) 2) gave ONLY Isaac a 2nd covenant (Gen 17:19 & 21) 3) named ONLY Isaac directly (Gen 17:19 & Gen 16:11) 4) knew Sarah regretted mating Hagar w/Abraham (Gen 16:4-5) 5) promised ONLY Isaac to Sarah & Abraham (Gen 17:19) 6) called ONLY Isaac; Abrahams ONLY son (Gen 22:2, 12, 16) 7) blessed ONLY Isaac after the funeral of Abraham (Gen 25:11) 8) NEVER calls Ishmael “son of Abraham” but ‘son of the bondwoman’ (Gen 21:13) 9) [CAST OUT] ONLY ISHMAEL! (Gen 21:9-14) 10) Never once called Ishmael; son of Abraham but instead called ishmael; son of the bondwoman! Wow! Chrislam!? REALLY?! HEY EVERYBODY! Lets compare Jesus and Moe, the Founders of their respective creeds!! (Heres my Top Ten, just off the top of my head!): 1. How many babies did Jesus rape? 2. How many slaves did Jesus take (and rape)? 3. How many innocent merchants did Jesus torture, to get their treasure to pay his bandit armies? 4. How many bandit armies did Jesus lead, and how many countries did they invade & enslave? 5. How many poisoned swords named Death! did Jesus own and use to behead enemies? 6. How many times did Jesus lie, say God is the greatest deceiver! and rob and extort people? 7. How many people did Jesus burn out of their homes, while they were still asleep in them? 8. How many people (who had only verbally contested his claims) did Jesus put out hits on? 9. How many pregnant women did Jesus have run through with swords for doubting him? ...and of course: 10. How many people did Moe heal (or resurrect)? 15 hrs · Like · 3 Chip Henderson How can we as Americans allow a so-called religion equal religious status when Islamists are commanded by the Koran to lie to further Islam( taqiyya) , and deny equal human rights under our Constitution? But the true nature of the lefts love affair with Islam is reflected most glaringly in their hypocritical quasi-religion, environmentalism. The left professes to be reasonable and scientific, but one cannot be both evolutionist and an environmentalist. So why do most scientists (E. O. Wilson is exemplary) embrace the environmentalist fantasy? Because they wish to destroy Christianity, in particular, and any non-progressive (i.e., non-secular) basis for morality, in general. It is refreshing for people to see the light about Islam, which is a totalitarian ideology that seeks total control over citizens. It is NOT a religion. Only religions that respect human rights should have the freedom to expand in America, Conquering ideologies what has no respect for human rights should have no respect in America. It is up to us to say NO to Islam, the way it is practiced today. LOL. The concept of good muslim has as much validity as the concept of a good nazi — because the ideology of both religions is nothing but hate, intolerance and antisemitism. Just for the record there are no less than three, authoritative hadiths of Islam that call for the extermination of Jews. I hope everyone remembers the celebrations that the Palestinians did when hearing about 9-11. They danced and sang and passed out candies at the spectacle of three thousand innocent Americans dying. Similar celebrations broke out all over the Muslim world. If that doesnt tell you about the mentality of what we are facing,I dont know what will. I hope you will do this.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:08:17 +0000

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