The truth about the author of the book “Zealot” and why the - TopicsExpress


The truth about the author of the book “Zealot” and why the rest of the media will not point the truth out. The media is hyping this book about Jesus and whenever the media decides, ‘we gotta tell you this book about Jesus’, you can fairly assume that it’s not going to make Jesus look real good. Not surprisingly it’s another book ending up to be just another attack on Christian beliefs and yet no one in the media or the administration is condemning it, which I thought was weird because I know if I condemn or write a bad book, let’s say about the prophet Mohammed, well, I’m going to be responsible for the Benghazi attacks. You remember the horrible evil video that quote ‘started the spontaneous’ riots on our consulate in Benghazi. Remember Hillary Clinton and President Obama were condemning this awful, evil video. I thought that they were against any denigration of any religious figure. I mean the president was a little more clear when he went in front of the U.N. and said this. Quote , “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Aah, that’s it. That’s it, the future can’t go to those who slander the prophet of Islam!!!! The man who made the videos slandering Islam with an awful video went to jail. This guy ‘Reza Aslan’ who slanders Jesus is going to be condemned? NOPE!! The media and others are giving him cover. You see, it started out, strangely, that initially the media failed to point out that the author was a Muslim. Now let me be really clear. I don’t care. A Muslim has every right to write a book about Jesus. You don’t like Jesus, you like Jesus, you’re a Muslim, you’re a Hindu, you’re a Christian, I don’t care. But it should be pointed out that a Christian has the same right to write a book about Mohammed or a video [freedom of speech] but I don’t think everybody agrees on that one. The important thing is if I’m writing a book about Mohammed, everyone should say ‘full disclosure’ he’s a Christian. Same thing with this guy, ‘full disclosure’ he doesn’t like Christianity. He’s a Muslim. But the media and the author were hiding it at the beginning for some reason. Now there was an interviewer from N.P.R. (National Public Radio) and here’s what he said: Interviewer: “Are you still a Christian?” Reza Aslan: “No, I wouldn’t call myself a Christian because I do not believe that Jesus is God, nor do I believe that he ever thought that he was God, or that he ever said that he was God. But I am a follower of Jesus, and I think that sometimes, unfortunately, I think even Christians would recognize this and admit it. Those two things aren’t always the same, being a Christian and being a follower of Jesus.” Man!! This guy is absolutely brilliant!! Hats off!! He’s brilliant, he is. “Are you a Christian?’ “No, but I am a follower of Jesus, I think I’d call myself that.” No mention here that he’s a Muslim who holds the view that Jesus Christ in not the Son of God but he does say Jesus is the Son of God. Now, again, the fact that Aslan is a Muslim doesn’t matter to the story. In fact that’s the red herring. The reason I bring this up is the fact that they’re being dishonest about the Islam thing. He’s not forthcoming about a whole lot of things. Himself, Jesus, and most telling, the associations that reveal his real motivations behind writing the book. Zealot, what is it? It is the latest progressive attempt to change and rewrite history. That’s what it is. That’s the number one priority now for the progressives. From naming streets after communists activists such as Caesar Chavez to making movies glorifying the murderous revolutionary Che Guevara. Progressives are trying to cement the legacy of the radical revolutionaries and the leftists or statists. That’s what they’re trying to do with Jesus. To make Him look like a radical, a revolutionary, another Che and if you believe anything else, you’re in the dust bin of history. That’s what they’re doing and the scary part is it’s working, because no one is exposing it. Allow me to show you the truth behind this author Aslan. Don’t take my word for it. Do you’re homework and find it for yourself. Go to the truth. The question to ask yourself is ‘why is he doing this?’ He’ll tell you it’s because it’s his passion. Nope!!! People will say it’s because it’s his faith. Nope!!! It’s not about that. So, that leaves, he wants fame, he wants money, he wants power. To find out why he’s doing this you have to uncover the many falsehoods surrounding this book and the author. Let’s start with the first dishonest claim. He’s a religious scholar and historian, in fact I’m quoting him. “He has a PHD in the history of religions.” That’s how everyone is identifying him, because that’s how he identifies himself. In an interview on Fox News, he declared himself as a historian and has a PHD on the history of religion. Let’s take a look at this and see how the facts compare. He has four degrees. In 1995 he got a B.A. in religious study, not a PHD, at Santa Clara University. In 1999 he got a masters in world religions, not a PHD, at Harvard University. In 2002 he got a masters in fine arts in fiction, not a PHD,from the University of Iowa. In 2009 he got a PHD in sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. So he’s studying us through sociology while learning how to write fiction and he learns how to speak the religious language. Wow!!! That’s fascinating work here. But you notice what I notice? There’s no history degree, he’s not a PHD in religion, and he’s not a historian. It’s possible that his Harvard theology degree from Harvard included some history credits, but it’s not the same, not even on the same planet as an expert with a PHD in the history of religion. From the Fox News interview here’s what he says: “I am a scholar of religion with four degrees including one in the new testament. I’m an expert with a PHD in the history of religion, I am a professor of religion including the new testament, that’s what I do for a living. I just want to emphasis this one more time, I am a historian, I am a PHD in the history of religion.” No. No he’s not. He’s not a PHD in the history of religion. He’s not a historian. Would anyone allow you to get away with you saying you’re a historian with a PHD in the history of religion if you weren’t? A cursory glance at his book reveals serious flaws in both fact and logic. But before I leave there, let me tell you where he is teaching. He’s teaching at the U.C. of Riverside as a professor of creative writing. He’s also at the University of Southern California teaching public diplomacy. He’s also a contributor to the Daily Beast. But my favorite is the last one. He’s a sometimes professor at Drew University and he’s teaching on the art of protest in the middle east, examining protest literature, film, art and music. That’s not the same is it? Now, his education started as most education does. He was a Christian before going into college and colleges are doing a great job on turning people out that are not Christians anymore. It’s there that his professors started teaching him. Aslan speaking, “I became very angry. I became resentful. I turned away from Christianity. I began to really reject the concept of Christ.” So it’s not surprising to me that the elite, godless professors swayed him away from Jesus. But that’s his starting point, anger, resentment and rejection. He stays in school, he gets his several degrees, for a religious expert he doesn’t seem to have a grasp on even the most basic facts. But he’s busy teaching revolution in the middle east. Aslan was deflecting the N.P.R. questions of his own religious views. He also blatantly lied about the point in the Gospels. Go back to the N.P.R. piece where he made his claim in the interview [he does not believe that Jesus is God, nor does he believe that Jesus ever thought that he was God, or that he ever said that he was God.] O.K., I’ve got a problem with this one. Jesus made it very clear that He was. He was either God or the Son of God or the Messiah. He’s in the God circle. If you read the Gospels it’s pretty clear who he says He is. It’s one of the reasons that everyone wanted him dead. He refers to Himself as “I AM” which is the holy name of God at least four times. In Mark, Jesus is asked “Are you the Son of God” and He says yes. It seems pretty clear, so why would a religious scholar make such as easily disprovable claim? The string of dishonesty seems to be a pattern here, judging his work on its merits. Just forget about everything he lied about. He lied about his PHD, he lied about what he does for a living, what he’s currently teaching he’s a professor of. Let’s just judge him based on his book Zealot. I showed you the one disputed claim. Here’s another one. He wrote in the Washington Post that “The Gospels are not, nor were ever meant to be a historical documentation of the life of Jesus. These are not eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ words and deed. They are testimonies of faith composed by communities of faith written many years after the events they describe.” This claim is flat out false. Let’s go to the gospel of Luke. Luke says: “Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things which have been accomplished among us, just as they were delivered to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word. It seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may know the truth concerning the things of which you have been informed.” Now, that’s actually what it says, so I don’t know how you can say that it wasn’t. That it was only on faith. Oh, I remember, because Aslan said this was written a long time ago, maybe 40 years after and so the authors weren’t reliable because it was 40 years later, after His death. That seems to be a logical problem here professor. How are we supposed to take your book seriously 2000 years later if 40 years couldn’t get it right? If you need more evidence read the book. It’s garbage. I wanted to give you a taste here. I wanted to establish a clear pattern of deception and dishonesty. Part two coming soon.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:08:15 +0000

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