The truth about the conflict in Palestine. Before the Zionists - TopicsExpress


The truth about the conflict in Palestine. Before the Zionists arrived Jews and Muslim and Christian{yep many Palestinians are Christians!} Palestinians had lived in peace in Palestine for hundreds of years under the rule of the Ottoman Turks. Completely legally 90% of the land was owned by Palestinians {land legally owned that had been in their families for generations}, though many Jews owned land legally as well. When the land was divided in 1948 into the newly created Israel and Palestine many Palestinians in the Israeli sector were driven from and had land stolen that they legally owned for generations. Ever since 1948 Israel has illegally stolen more and more of the land owned by Palestinians in the Palestinian section by forcefully evicting the Palestinian legal land owners, bulldozing many of their homes, bulldozing their ancient olive tree groves and once the Palestinians were removed, illegally building Israeli settlements {called Kibbutzes} on the newly taken land that was taken by force. So the land unfairly divided by the UN in 1948 and given to the Palestinians has slowly over time been stolen by Israel this way. The Kibbutzes are then populated by heavily armed settlers and roads are built connecting the kibutzes {roads the local Palestians are not allowed to use} and the roads divide the remaining Palestinian cities so these cities and communities are cut off from each other. So Israel thereby illegally occupies lands that are Palestinian by UN agreement and slowly less and less of this land is in Palestinian hands. Then the Israelis put up checkpoints to remove freedom of movement by the remaining Palestians in Palestine and in the case of Gaza built a huge wall to effectively imprison the Palestinians living there and cut them off from the rest of Palestine as it was defined by the UN. This occupation by Israel is illegal as is the removal and theft of the lands and building of Israeli settlements! Then the remaining pockets of divided Palestinians are subjected to Israeli checkpoints in their own land where they are searched and harassed daily in just trying to live their lives! Then if the Palestinians in the walled off Gaza strip fight back {wouldnt you in their shoes?} by lobbing a rocket into Israel {rockets that rarely hit much of anything. All 4000 recorded rocket attacks have killed 28 people within Israel as of 17 July 2014. In response to these rocket attacks the people trapped in Gaza have been attacked and bombed by mortars, tank cannons, artillery, helicopter gunships, airstrikes by jet aircraft with in some instances illegal phosphorous munitions being used. In the latest bombing of Gaza alone more than 1400 people hae been killed, the vast majority being civilians. Gaza and Palestine have no army, no tanks, no helicopters, no jets just brave men in militias armed mainly with guns, and rocks and yeah bottle rockets...mustnt forget the bottle rockets.....
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 05:26:11 +0000

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