The truth about the muslim faith, Islam, Allah, Hammas, and - TopicsExpress


The truth about the muslim faith, Islam, Allah, Hammas, and Palestine - I am connected into many open doors ministries - Every day, i see footage, of mass slaugters of christians, not doing anything, but being hunted down, and butchered by the muslims. This is Hammas, this is the muslim faith - see the video below. If you look at the videos on Hammas, they openly share, that they want to firstly butcher all muslims, and then extend that to the rest of the world. They are very open about this. There are many palestinian muslims rising up, who are coming out, and rejecting the muslim faith, and telling the truth, such as the son of one of the Hammas founders. Hammas forces (by death threat), their muslim citizens to become human shields, or else their families will be slaughtered. Its the same thing that we saw in south africa - the black people being threatened at the cost of their lives. Hammas forces schools and hosiptals to become human shields, or die. They are then using this in propoganda in the media, to rally hate against Israel. Hammas openly declares, that their only purpose in life, is to kill every Jew, and Christian. Islam is the devil. It is satan in his full. Satan is behind it all - he is a liar, and a deceiver - if you look at the media clips, they openly lie, adn they actually flaunt it....Its unbelievable to actually see it. There is footage released every day, of entire sections of christian communities being slaughtered. Why is this not shown in the mainstream media - because the devil is behind it. He wants it kept silent. I am at a personal loss, as to whether i should share all these thigns coming through - people actually dont want to see what is going on. The other issue is how to communicate it. The truth is that when Jesus stood before those who murdered him, he asked the father to forgive them, because they didnt know what they were doing. Jesus was trying to save them. It was through the martyrdom, that the eyes of those who were doing it were opened. Many muslims are coming to Christ, through the mass slaughter - their eyes are opening to see Islam, for what it is....Its a lie of the devil. They actually renounce the goodness, and love of God, for hate and murder. They make a covenant with sin and death......And their faith is masked as religious - its a religious spirit masked as righteousness - but its not righteousness, its pure wickedness and evil.....But they are blinded to see. They are blinded by religion.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 23:43:46 +0000

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