The truth is that over 70% of non-custodial fathers engage in - TopicsExpress


The truth is that over 70% of non-custodial fathers engage in custody litigation because they WANT to be involved in their childrens lives and the custodial mothers are actively preventing them from the most basic involvement and more often than not their cited reasons are lies and unsubstantiated allegations of abuse. I went through divorce and I initiated it. I insisted we have formal court orders so each of us had clear boundaries and expectations due to arguing over everything during the marriage being the reason for its demise, but I am so relieved that we only went to court 1 time and we have not had to go back to court since. I am proud that both Camerons dad and I do what we need to for HIM. We still dont always agree, but we increasingly get better and better at co-parenting and learning the art of compromise. Our court orders are clear and help us as well. He has his time, I have mine. I give him information willingly, in advance, and never just the bare minimum or only what I am required to share. If our son has a bad day, I tell his father. Even if hes not set to see him that day or even the next day. When our son does something adorable, I tell his Dad about it. If our son learns something new or accomplishes something, the first person I tell is his Dad. There is no excuse at all for a custodial mother to alienate a child from a loving father aside from TRUE instances of abuse. It is disgusting behavior and anyone that witnesses any parent doing this and does nothing to stop it is just as guilty as the perpetrator in subjecting the children involved to damaging emotional abuse. Parental alienation IS abuse. Speak up. Share the facts. Support good fathers who are going to court merely to have a say and be involved in basic things IN their kids lives. DITCH THE STEREOTYPE and BIAS. A couple going to court over and over again after divorce is final is typically because one parent is mentally ill or suffering from a Cluster B Personality Disorder.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 16:48:27 +0000

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