The truth is that we dont have to continue to emphasis issue of - TopicsExpress


The truth is that we dont have to continue to emphasis issue of Certificate that might make or mar Gen. Buhari contest right in the next election. But one thing perturbs my sense of judgement. This is the terrible level of massacre in the North Eastern part of Nigeria. I am the more worried that the current candidate of the APC boasts of his capacity to end the massacres as being carried out by Boko Haram insurgents the day hes declared the President elect of Nigeria. The pertinent questions in my mind are (1) is it actually possible to end the insurgency in a day? (2) is the process of ending it going to be through heavy bombardment or mere instruction on the basis of haven achieved the objective of the insurgency? (3) will the insurgents be fulfilled the day Gen. Buhari is declared the President elect of Nigeria so that they will happily drop their arms? (4) should we then quickly agree that the Boko Haram insurgency is the militant wing of the GMB Campaign Organization? (5) if the Boko Haram insurgents are not tools in the hands of Gen. Buhari, why is he so cock sure that he will end their activities the day hes declared the President elect? (6) if, on the other hand, he has the magic wands that can end the heinous activities of these insurgents, must he wait till hes declared the President elect before he can help the government to stop the activities of these muslim murderers? I ask these so many questions because I am worried that souls are being wickedly waisted in that part of the country on daily basis. The average of people being killed daily is put at between 30-40. If, for instance, the massacres continue unabatedly from now till February 15 before the President elect can be declared, we have about 23 days in which about 30-40 innocent souls would be heinously massacred daily! That is to say that a man who has the capacity to stop these senseless but satanic killings can endure the killings of between 690- 810 souls. This same man can as well endure the continued detention of the Chibock girls in Shambisha forest and the attendant psychological trauma the parents and friends and even the siblings of the girls are going through! In my mind, I see a deliberate arrangement orchestrated to make Nigeria ungovernable for President Jonathan so as to sabotage his good intention to make Nigeria a developed nation. I also see the current efforts of the saboteurs as being carried out by people who are desperate to ensure that power returns to the north at all cost. This intention to return power to the north at all cost is now being helped by the conspiracy of people who are envious of the mounting unprecedented monumental achievements of President Jonathan. Unfortunately, these saboteurs and their fellow conspirators are exploiting the gullibility of some politically mesmerized and politically harangued and indoctrinated individuals who are now shouting change ! change!! The change that they cannot define or discern! I believe that if Gen. Buhari knows how to stop the massacres in the North Eastern part of this country, he should assist the government as a member of Council of State and as a Retired Military Head of State but not to continue to wait till he is the President. If Boko Haram insurgency ends the day (God forbids it that he will be declared the President elect of Nigeria) hes declared, it means that the Boko Haram is actually the militant wing of the Gen. Muhammad Buhari campaign organization. This is no longer doubtful in consideration of the fact that the activities of the Boko Haram actually became pronounced and assumed the current dreadful and murderous level immediately he, Buhari, lost the 2011 presidential election. Therefore, Nigerians are advised to pounder on the level of destructions and the pains and agony heaped on us all as a result of the presidential ambition of one man. Then we should ask if we actually deserve all these so as to unduly and undeserving, be coerced to surrender the future of our beloved country to a man whose antecedents are known to be grossly unpalatable?
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 06:49:38 +0000

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