The truth is we can run but we can’t hide. A women who had been - TopicsExpress


The truth is we can run but we can’t hide. A women who had been treated for cancer with chemo therapy finds out she has cancer again, the difference is the doctors can do nothing for her. By this time she is so weak and frail that it takes two people one on each side to he her to walk in the house. She tells her sister, I would like my old room back, and I would like you to put out one pitcher of water for me in the morning and one at night. I will be seeking the Lord with prayer and fasting, please check on me from time to time to make sure I am still breathing. He sister’s son who is sixteen walks by her room at night and hears her calling out to the Lord in a very feeble voice. On the tenth day the young man is called into his aunt’s room and he is told that the Lord has healed her and she would like his mom to make her some broth. She got of bed that day, over time re-grew all of her hair, gained back her weight, and lived for over twenty five more years, no more cancer. What changed? She had gone to the doctors for three times just like many of us would have. But this time she knew in her heart that if God did not touch her she would die, and she knew that. Knowing that caused her to abandon the way that seemed right to man, and cling to God. I am sure she prayed while undergoing treatment in times past. But God was not her source or her first line of defense. You might be asking how do I know that? I know that because if God had been her source the first, second, or third time she would have been healed. I am not saying that because she went to a doctor that the going to the doctor is the way that seems right to man. For many have gone to doctors and yet God was their source, there is no amount of medicine that can stop God from healing you. There are no mistakes that a doctor can make that God can’t undo perfectly. What I am talking about is the voice of reason and the voice of the flesh that comes between you and God, because you and I choose to listen to it instead of seeking and listening only to God and his word. The voice of reason will cause you to pull back and not pursue God with all that you have. Fear and unbelief are at the heart of the voice of reason, fear sees nothing but the problem, and unbelief says I just don’t know. Faith says I see everything and I have heard the voice of reason, but I am not afraid and I am trusting in what God said. That is exactly what that lady was doing; she dismissed every voice but the voice of the Lord and his word. In the midnight hour she called out to him fixing her eyes on him and him alone Maybe she had heard the wonderful song talking about Jesus on a white horse, and in the song Jesus is asking will you ride with me, and the chorus goes yes Lord we will ride with you. This time she was riding with the Lord and live or die nothing was going to move her. She moved into the land of faith and trust, and not just with words but she bet her life on the Lord, and the Lord said, YES IAM WILLING, FOR IAM THE SAME YESTERDAY AND TODAY AND FOREVER.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 07:57:03 +0000

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