The twist continues....... People, just for your - TopicsExpress


The twist continues....... People, just for your information! By MALA DINONEL My fellow Papua New Guineans. The Prime Minister is not only corrupt and dictatorial, but he is also arrogant and intentionally evil. He steals and lies about it. He tells lies and blames others. He blames others and threaten them. He does wrong and fires those who point out his wrongs. He refuses to answer questions before the Fraud Squad, but he loves to bull-shit the journalists (most of whom have no experience in investigative journalism). He passes legislations aimed at entrenching and sustaining his own power. He does shit and says he is doing it “for the interest of the country.” Well, the time has finally come for the people to let the Prime Minister KNOW what our interests are. If the Prime Minister does not “step down” and allow the “rule of law” to “clear his good name,” we will CLOSE PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Below are the details for THIS THURSDAY: PORT MORESBY. All NGOs, TI, NRI, Churches, UPNG (entire NCD student body), people from all provinces, Police force and military, the grassroots will bring Port Moresby to a standstill. All buses will provide bus services from all parts of Port Moresby to the same park we met yesterday. NCD GORVENOR. The NCD Governor’s futile and childish attempt to “defend” the Prime Minister is very telling. We are aware that he is also getting “kick-backs” on all the NCD projects. He too must go (if not now, in 2017!). So those of us who either grow, sell or chew betel-nut must come in numbers. This is our time to let him know too. SCHEDULES: When? Thursday, 26th June, 20014. What time? 9:00am-6pm. Gathering at Unagi Oval. Speeches by Opposition Leader, Deputy Opposition leader, Former Attorney General, Former Treasurer, amongst others. HIGHLANDS HIGHWAY. Highlands highway will close down on Thurday, 26th. It will be close in two different places. It will be closed in Simbu and Mt. Hagen. Former Attorney General Kua’s constituents and former Petroleum Minister’s supporters have confirmed to take care of that. Live in PNG will and must come to a standstill on Thursday. If the Prime minister wants to know the “peoples’ power” he will see it on Thursday. LAE CITY. Unitech and all student body, Lae-based NGOs, churches (led by Lutheran church), and grassroots will bring the industrial hub of this country to a standstill. Similar meeting is being organized at Eriku. MOUNT HAGEN, RABAUL, MADANG, GOROKA. Similar gatherings will take place in these centres. In Hagen in particular, we urge all Ialibus and Pangias to either stay indoor or temporarily go back to your electorate. Those of us who live in and around Mt. Hagen city are not happy with what your MP is doing. If the Prime Minister refuses to respond favorably to this [Thursday’s events], here is the next course of action. PRESSURE ON AUSTRALIA GOVERNMENT. The Refugee processing Centre in Manus will close. We the people of this country is already weary of that so called “processing centre” that is shrouded in secrecy. The people of Manus will protest and demand that the processing centre be eradicated from our soil. Those of us in Port Moresby will petition the Australian high commission. Like any other country, PNG values “political stability” too. The type of political stability that “upholds the rule of law and is based on ethical principles.” But the type of “stability” that Peter O’Neill brags about is the kind that Gadhafi, Hussein, Putin, and Kim Jong-il practice. We are demanding that Canberra must support the People of Papua New Guinea openly. By now, we are hoping Canberra (as our close neighbor and friend) is aware of the amount of power ORDINARY CITIZENS of this country welds. It is the PEOPLE’s POWER that brought successive governments down (Sir Julius Chan, Bill Skate, and Sir Michael Somare). And now – after only two years - Peter O’Neill forgot that WE (the ordinary citizens) remove Somare and made him Prime Minister. Now the time has come for him to be shown the DOOR!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 03:22:08 +0000

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