The ultimate position of man! God said, lets make man in our - TopicsExpress


The ultimate position of man! God said, lets make man in our own image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish, fowl, cattle, every creeping thing on the earth.(Genesis 1:26-27) God planned man here. (Genesis 5:1-2 God actually made man in his own image! Male & female he made them and called their name Adam. To understand this, one must understand, God speaks of things and events of time as though they already were. He is not bound by the concept of time.(Acts 15:18,Ephesians 1:4-12,Romans 8:28-33) He spoke of his sonship before there ever was Bethlehems manger, he spoke of his crucifixion before there was Golgotha. (Rev.13:8) Jesus was born of woman with no fleshly father. Because Adam sinned willfully, original sin is passed thru the blood of the male. Jesus received his blood from God who is not a man, but Spirit.(Numbers23:19,Hosea11:9,StJohn4:24,Acts20:28) God became man via the birth system to be our near kinsman thus fulfilling Jewish law of redemption.(bk of Ruth,Heb.2:14-17) There are those that teach Jesus is an eternal son,that he existed before Bethlehem. The reason this teaching mustnt be endorsed is because it takes away the right of redemption. He existed only in the fore-knowledge of the father, who is the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. The Son of God was planned in secret until the fullness of time came. God at this time, has made known his secret to his saints, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory!(Eph.3:1-21,Colossians:25-29,Psalms132:11,139:14-16,Heb.10:5-10) there is a teaching, the son of God referred to in Genesis6:2 are fallen angels Jude and 2Peter2:4 This wont bare Bible scrutiny. Angel arent Flesh. The term son applies to a male born of flesh. Hebrews chpts1&2 explains it plainly. The most beautiful woman cant compare to an angel, that thinking is carnal. Jesus said, angel have no gender. Jesus is the only begotten son of God. We, the Church are adopted sons and he will not share this position with any other of his creation! The Church is the Body of Christ in the Earth! Its destined to rule and reign thru out the ages! God intends to rule through the Church! Read stJohn17,Rev.3:21 The Church is the ultimate place for man!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:02:53 +0000

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