The under-lying concepts which arose into my consciousness this - TopicsExpress


The under-lying concepts which arose into my consciousness this morning, are all about Adaptation and Flexibility. I embraced these two concepts, both of which are a natural outflow of being focused and living in moment-to-moment awareness - or with attention, as my theme was, at the beginning of the week. My very basic insights, as I reflect and have taken time to ponder, are - at THIS moment in time: 1. I thrive in an environment where I have complete freedom - to create, to Blue-Sky, to innovate, to determine my outputs, to decide how long Id like to stretch my work-day, to PLAN my routines & schedules - in other words - a self-structured system. I like to know exactly what it is that I will be engaging with, what my planned outputs are and how my time has been allocated. Thats the one side of the equation. I used to imagine that I dont respond well to last-minute changes & upheavals of my self-structured, disciplined and measurable schedule. 2. Because of this awareness, I started testing my own hypotheses & belief system - holding them up to scrutiny and constantly asking myself - with non-judgement - is what I believe really true? And if so - does this system serve me or are there improvements which I need to be making? 3. I have since realised - specifically as my attention was directed to the concepts of Adaptation and Flexibility, that Ive in fact made some significant and positive shifts and changes, within my deep, inner constructs and Mental Models. NO mean feat. I was able to completely go with the flow of complete changes to what I had planned, change gears quite radically in fact - including finding ourselves [ Evan Smith & I], blessed by being able to host a fascinating, fabulous, like-minded German couple [ Michael - pronounced - Mi-gha ( Afrikaans G sound) elle; and Angela - pronounced the same as Angela Merkl - ANG-GHE-LA] and their son, Tim - who is studying Electrical Engineering in Germany and WANTS to come and Intern here - who are back-packing/camping through the Western Cape - And who have traversed just about the WHOLE world - including other parts of Africa and South Africa - making videos, blogging as they travel - and this is in fact part of their business. They were directed to the campsite next door - but thats of course now a day site - open ONLY from 8-5 on weekends, during Winter. I had to do research on a potentially fabulous new project, with one of my Associates - and meet thereafter. LOADS of people and talking in two days - which is generative, but also rather exhausting. So - about that ADAPTATION and FLEXIBILITY - I started doing further research, extractions, diagnostics this morning - but just realised - my mind,body, spirit - are all SHOUTING out for silence, quietude and time to process the past 3 days....... I knew that I could kid myself and try to continue researching - but that I would not be internalising insights. I am therefore simply swapping out work and rest days. Adapting to what my body needs - so that it can function optimally. As I lie here - ideas, concepts, connections are just spontaneously popping into my consciousness; my notebooks, A3 mapping sheets as well as my various Reference PowerPoint Presentations and A3 Electronic Strategic Framework documents are all open - So - as I have insights, thoughts, ideas, I immediately scribble them down and/or draw pictures and write words and insert them into the working docs..... SUCH a HUGE privilege to have this control - of freedom - off-set by the need for discipline and structure - but yet, with the ability to ADAPT, be flexible and let things evolve as is best for creating seminal work as well as to function at my best. WOW - rather LONG ramble. Written in free-flow. Thanks if you took the time to engage with my random thoughts. Its okay if you didnt feel like engaging - isnt that great about life. Marveling. [ I AM feeling that Im drawn to the NLP e-book which IS open on my Desktop - to read, extract from and engage with.....Ill see where this day and my being lead me......] Namaste. Thats all.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:35:38 +0000

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