The universe and everything in it was created by the spoken word - TopicsExpress


The universe and everything in it was created by the spoken word of God. This vast sea of energy...( matter is just energy slowed WAY down )...came into existence and is sustained by Gods word. Humans, being created in the image of God, are given the same creative force that created the universe. Your words.bined with your intent..releases ripples in this force which causes manipulations in the energies around us (through the actions of Harmonics, if my suppositions are correct) and sets up that which we have spoken. Jesus explained this principle when he said What so ever you say, believing in your heart, that you shall have. Notice what he did NOT say!!! He did not say what so ever GOOD thing you say... He said What So Ever. Many people create impossible situations in their lives simply by saying aloud all the problems and imagined scenarios of doom...Creating this in their own lives. Now before I get Flack about this being too much Luke Skywalker and not so much Bible, let me tell you that I DO NOT think of God as The Force. God is the Source and He sustains the force and the principles on which it behaves. Immutable Laws that even the Devil himself must abide by. Not believing this to be true does not change these laws of the universe, they will work with or without your believing in them. These have been in existence from the beginning of creation and are unchanging. What ever is good, whatever is faithful, whatever is true, think on these things... advice to guard your thoughts, thoughts when given words and spoken begins creating that reality. Need things to change in your life? Begin to speak what God says about anything you are going through instead of what you see or what you fear. Speak Life into the situation...Speak Love, Speak Faith, Speak the word of God and watch thing start to turn around almost immediately in most cases. Peace, Love and Joy to you all....
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:36:56 +0000

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