The universe is within you and I, it is everywhere around us and - TopicsExpress


The universe is within you and I, it is everywhere around us and when you take away the illusion of a society based reality and get right down to the core of existence, what you will find is all those fears and doubts youve covered up with a better thought and feeling. Now I am not saying its wrong to stay positive, what I am saying is that staying positive requires us to feel everything, understand what has happened and why its happened and accept all the while setting free that which limits us. Now, if your one who is pretty clear of what you do want but the universe just seems to keep putting obstacles in your way, ask yourself why? What am I leaving behind that I am to look at and be aware of, what is it in me that I have just replaced with a better thought and feeling and kept moving forward. You might not be the person you really need to be to thrive in that job, relationship, or experience without going through something else first. We learn from our existence, we are given lesson each and every moment we are here. The lesson is always rooted in one simple yet profound emotion; Love. We are to master love in all its forms; understanding, forgiveness, unconditional, compassion, worth, acceptance.... Love with no limits, no agenda, no manipulation and no want for it to return to us. It is in this understanding that what we give out doesnt come at a price, when we Love, we love, its that simple. Love for ourselves has to come first always for to truly give another our love we first have to understand what it is to give it to ourselves. Love to not hurt ourselves and allow others to hurt us. To be free of judgement and blame, for understanding that it is more Than just an existence in human form and that we own our own actions and emotion, we are in control of what we hold just as others are in control of what they hold. If your being presented a challenge in life ask your self why? But dont think about it for that leads to doubt and fear and overthinking of everything and then this creates more doubts and questions and pretty soon your swimming in thought. Try instead to feel everything and its entirety, feeling is hard, and many choose not to feel it all for its easier to just take it bit by bit, well im sorry to burst your easy bubble, but you just made life incredibly challenging and harder on yourself. Feeling is the lesson we must always accept, allow and adjust our perspective on. To master Love we must expand our horizons and embrace our souls. You can never just stay positive thats impossible, but you can embody Love in all its entirety, and what is love in all its entirety again? Well if you read this post you would know! Many blessings and I look forward to all of our connections please feel free to come to like and share this post with others xx Naomi(Admin)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:44:02 +0000

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