The vast majority of us dont drink enough water. When people drink - TopicsExpress


The vast majority of us dont drink enough water. When people drink anything it is usually loaded with caffeine, sugar/fake sugars, colourings, flavourings and in many cases, all of the above. Such drinks can actually reduce the amount of water that you retain in your body. The human body is made up of more water than you might have realised; your brain and spinal cord is about 70% water, your bones are about 25% water, your intervertebral discs in your spine are about 90% water. 83% of the blood in your body is water. So, its not too surprising that without adequate water, you might not be functioning to your full potential. Water is a natural anti-inflammatory and therefore is great for reducing episodes of back/joint pain, eczema, acne etc. It keeps our urinary tracts clear of infection reducing the risk of cystitis. It helps us maintain mental clarity and overall energy. It also can help with maintaining our blood pressure and even aid in weight loss. Whenever you feel hungry it is actually most likely that your body is telling you to hydrate. Drink water 15-20mins before a meal and you may well find that you require less food to feel satisfied/full
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 07:21:41 +0000

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