The vents of wages ecct got me thinking, what I am frustrated with - TopicsExpress


The vents of wages ecct got me thinking, what I am frustrated with is the amount people ask for rent, or the fact that you have to have several paychecks to even start the process for a home loan, or the low income housing and how it works. My husband is ETSing (and after two major emergencies back to back and wiping our savings out, we havnt been able to build it back up yet) we have put several hundred job applications in, I *finally* got a job offer, we have sat down and figured all the bills, gas for me commuting to and from work and grocerys and we are still a good $1000 we need to find, he cant find a job (looking everywhere and even putting in Walmart and Mcdonalds/Panera ecct) but because he is going to go back to school to finally finish his degree we dont quilify for low income housing...and we can not afford over $650 in rent a month, we were going to buy since a mortgage would be closer to $200 but we cant because it would take to long to find a place. We are not in huge amounts of debt and come Jan/Feb we will be completely out of it 100%, but I am still having a hard time figuring out how to make money and numbers add up. I have cut our grocery budget down as much as possible and having to go back to cheap food that makes my kids sick because we cant afford the food that wont make them sick, from what I understand of the food stamp site we wont quilify because he is going back to school....I have a degree that is useless, the job I got is great but its only about $2000 a month. I am so frustrated by the whole thing, we are doing everything we can to get on our feet with him getting out and everything is working against us.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 01:15:18 +0000

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