The verdict has been issued and tonight I write a special edition - TopicsExpress


The verdict has been issued and tonight I write a special edition of “Enlightenment from the Cave”. Now that the trial of George Zimmerman is over and a not guilty verdict has been passed down; I will give my take and give enlightenment on what should have been a non eventful case in the courts that was overplayed by the media and far left civil rights activists. First off let me start by stating two wrongs will never make something right. When the dust settles from this case, there will be no winners, no gains and several innocent losers outside of the Martin and Zimmerman families. Let us look at the basic assumptions from this case and why this was basically a cut and dry verdict. • George Zimmerman was a registered gun owner and neighborhood watchman patrolling a neighborhood that has been under a high rash of crimes and break-ins • Tayvon Martin was an outsider that was wearing a hoodie that was concealing his identity but not acknowledging Zimmerman or putting down his hood to be identified • Trayvon was in a neighborhood that he was not a resident in after dark when most of the break-ins were happening • George Zimmerman under the authority of his watch duties followed and confronted Trayvon and a physical confrontation ensued • George Zimmerman felling threatened pulled out a handgun and fired shots that caused the death of Trayvon Martin. Trayvon was unarmed as far as witness and evidence shows. • State of Florida has a “Stand your ground” that allows you to force even deadly to protect yourself, your family and property. You are able to use force to defend yourself even if it is deadly When this case was first brought to investigation, George Zimmerman was not indicted because it was cut and dry to the police chef and investigators that the “Stand your ground” laws were in effect here. Because of media and activists outcries, emotion and not laws and logic took over and a special prosecutor and investigators were named and a very partial indictment was handed down. Being an unfortunate veteran of our court system, it doesn’t take much or a hair to get an original indictment and to be honest most investigators work for a conviction so when he was considered innocent by the police chief and investigators there shouldn’t have been a trial. For reasons of emotion and outcries, the police chef was terminated from his job not for doing a bad job but for not finding George Zimmerman guilty. Fast forward to tonight, after 3 weeks of trial in which the prosecution used 2 and a half weeks of testimony and the defense only needed less than 2 days to prove their case. After the prosecution got to change their charges after the case started (I think this practice shouldn’t be allowed unless it favors the defendant in a plea arrangement but it happens all the time in courtrooms. To me it’s like a bookie changing the spread at halftime at a football game if he thinks he is going to lose a lot of money) A jury of 6 women decided that George Zimmerman was not guilty of the laws of second degree murder and manslaughter. I’m not a lawyer but it did seem in the laws of the State of Florida were pretty clear, George Zimmerman was not guilty. Here are some harsh realities from this case. • A teenager (Trayvon Martin) is dead • • George Zimmerman shot and fatally injured Trayvon Martin in self defense which is legal in Florida • A parent or parents failed to keep tabs on their teenage son and allowed him to do as he pleased • With violence there is no real justice, what if Trayvon removed his hood and presented his self to authority • A police chief and investigators wrongfully lost their jobs • An innocent man by the word of the law will never be able to quietly return to society • Florida taxpayers were forced to spend money on a non winnable case and tying up the court system. Fortunately we have court systems that can put aside emotions and apply written law and deliver verdicts based on laws and evidence. The world is not perfect, sometimes justice isn’t perfect, but I wouldn’t trade our court system for any other countries. If we allow emotions and not law run our justice system, we would live in anarchy. Right or wrong, sometimes killing someone is not murder by law. No one that had a true connection from this case will sleep tonight but maybe society can learn these lessons from this non event. • Parents need to have a stronger presence of their teenagers • People need to have more respect for authority and identifying themselves. • Neighborhood watch groups, while helpful to police, need to be trained and registered with the local police • Society need structure and when people go outside that structure, bad things usually happen. I’m not taking the death of a teenager lightly, he probably didn’t deserved to be fatally injured, but laws are laws and according to both investigators and a jury of peers, George Zimmerman acted within the law and is innocent. Society need to move forward and learn from this non event. Well I hope to hear a little reaction from this and until Thursday, have a great week.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 07:05:03 +0000

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