The very moment we begin to praise God His presence arrives - TopicsExpress


The very moment we begin to praise God His presence arrives because He lives in the praises of his people.(Psalms 22:3) In His presence everything not like Him comes into submission - depression, sickness, hopelessness, lack, sadness, or any impure influence over us has to flee or is destroyed when the anointing of God comes on the scence. What else can praise do? It magnifies God, humbles us, movitivates us to live righteous, increases our joy, increases our Faith and elevates oour emotions. So many benefits! In all things today give the God of the Universe, you Creator, your Provider, your Healer, your Everything the thanks He deserves (1Thessolonians 5:18)! Need a little help? Try just saying these scriptures aloud. Psalms 95:1-6 Psalms 150: 1- 6 Psalms 107:1
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 12:07:06 +0000

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