The vet came out to check Mimi, and hes fine. His dental - TopicsExpress


The vet came out to check Mimi, and hes fine. His dental packing is still in and in good condition. No abnormal temperature, lungs are clear, no diarrhea, good poops, good appetite, taking all his medicine (molasses is magic!), stitches came out (scar will only be about 1/2 inch long), and he was delighted with all of the attention. LOL Doc gave me a 6 fluid ounces dose syringe to rinse his mouth twice per day with warm water. Carrion bad breath smell is gone, and he can have sliced carrots again instead of shredded carrots. I like that. Shredding a pound of carrots per day is a giant hassle. Doc was charmed by Mimis new trick. He gives kisses now. If I put my cheek in front of his nose, tap my cheek with my finger and make kissing noises, Mimi puts his nose on my cheek and wiggles his lips. OMG, it is so precious! Ron says that Im going to catch something from that horse with all those kisses. LOL Ive also convinced Mimi that it is okay for me to rasp off the little sharp places he gets on his hooves as they grow out between farrier visits. The first time I showed him the little hand rasp and lifted his foot to smooth out a rough place, he was puzzled and kept sniffing the rasp and trying to push it out of my hand. He didnt pull his foot away from me, just acted like something didnt make sense to him. I finally asked him to put his foot on a brick, and I showed him what I was doing, rasping off a sharp edge on his hoof right under his nose where he could see what I was doing. After that, he was content to let me do it. Silly horse. I know how to do lots of things we havent had time to do yet. LOL It was 43 degrees F tonight at the stables with a brisk icy wind so the Boys got brushed and are wearing their heavy windbreakers all night. If it had just been cold and not windy, they would have worn their fleece blankets. I have never spent so much time figuring out blanketing before. I grew up spoiled by a heated barn where horses only wore blankets when the heater couldnt keep the place warm in a blizzard, or when they were traveling to a show. If I werent worried about Bucks old bones getting too cold and achy, I would probably only blanket in heavy rains. They both have a sufficient fat layer and a good winter coat for this regions climate, but Buck is old. And old bones ache. Oh well. If my bones ache with the cold and I put on a warmer jacket to be comfortable, I should probably do the same for Buck. :) Title finally arrived from the dealer (I typed in the wrong zip code, total brain fart on my part.), and I get the new plates for the trailer on Monday. Im thinking of getting a license plate frame that says My Percheron is Smarter than Your Honor Student. LOL Ron asked the vet if Buck was getting too fat (before I could punch him in the arm). The vet said that he was a good weight for his age, but probably shouldnt put on too much more. And then the vet asked me how many pounds of food I was feeding each horse per day. Off the top of my head, leaving out the fruit, I guesstimated about 15 pounds for Buck and about 30 pounds for Mimi. He said that was the correct amounts, and I stuck my tongue out at Ron. :D I took the scale with me tonight and weighted their food. 3 pounds of dry alfalfa cubes (hydrated with 8 pounds of warm water) for Buck, and 6 pounds for Mimi (+16 pounds of warm water). 3/4th pound of Calf Manna (vitamins and minerals) per horse. 1.2 pounds of red flaky bran for Buck and .75 pounds for Mimi (all hydrated with the feed). 9 pounds of Equine Senior (hydrated with 48 fluid ounces of apple juice and 12 pounds of warm water) for Buck, and 6 pounds for Mimi (hydrated with 32 fluid ounces of apple juice, 8 pounds of warm water, 4 fluid ounces of molasses, and 50 antibiotic pills). About 20 pounds of orchard grass hay, split between Buck sucking on wads because hes toothless, and Mimi. Plus Bucks shredded carrots and 2 finely chopped apples, and Mimis pound of sliced carrots and 2 apples in slices. Plus a handful of cookies to share, just because. So, Buck gets about 14 pounds of weighed dry feed per day, plus whatever grass hay he sucks on and plus his fruit/veggies. Mimi gets about 13.5 pounds of weighed dry feed per day, plus most of the grass hay and plus his fruit/veggies. Mimis weighed dry feed per day will decrease when he can eat his normal oats again, and he doesnt need all that soft mushy old horse food, bran, apple juice, warm water and molasses. I spend more time fussing with horse food and weighing horses than I do fussing with my own diet or weighing myself. Im to the age where if my jeans still fit and will stay up without a belt, Im good. So many little things going on. Holiday decorations are finally all packed up and back in the attic. Found that damned cell phone and the charger. Found my iPod (Yes, the truck ate it. It was in the track of the passenger seat.). Went to supper with old friends Thursday evening, with everyone finally back in the States, to celebrate Christmas and New Years together, rode in the new truck, valet was tickled and parked it close to the entrance. Got all of the parts and supplies for the new hot water system for the stables, but havent had time to actually install it. Took a bunch of stuff to Goodwill, even Ron contributed to the pile. :D Just quietly busy, and I hate busy. I like sitting and thinking and teaching a horse to give kisses. :D
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 13:36:10 +0000

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