The video of Garners death is much more clear cut than the case of - TopicsExpress


The video of Garners death is much more clear cut than the case of Michael Brown, and should be examined more thoroughly; the erroneous use of homicide by the medical examiner has lead to confusion. SEMANTICS! Eric Garner is dead! The actions of the police officer(s) caused his death. Both cases involving Garner and Brown has lead to tragedy, there is one underlying issue that American citizens have seem to forgotten. Both victims were targeted by law enforcers, because a possible crime was committed, and the officers were called into the scene. Both victims have prior convictions; arrests involving a crime very much like the scene described. Both victims physical descriptions matched those of the suspect. Both victims were told by authorities to come in for questioning. Both victims resisted (in Browns case, forensic evidence shows he was trying wrestle the officers gun out of his hands while still in the SUV ~ at least two shots fired). A lot of poor decisions were made by the victims and officers involved. It lead to both men dying. But why? Why cant people understand? If a police officer asks you to come in and answer questions relating to a crime committed, and the call describes YOU as the perpetrator; then TELLS YOU to place your hands on your head, because now the situation escalates, and you are under arrest; why oh why, do you continue to resist? Maybe, its because I am not a person with a long rap sheet, with prior convictions or time served, but I recognize the authority of the police. New York is not a backwards county or city, where there is one lone sheriff or small police squad like that in horror movies; where they may have a hidden agenda, and I maybe viewed as fresh meat. These are policemen with that have gone through extensive training, and in Napolitanos case, fresh out of the Academy: his training fresh in his mind. When a police officer tells me I am under arrest. I am under arrest! Hes got the gun. I do not.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 16:48:58 +0000

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