The visual imagery of the beheadings in the Middle East were - TopicsExpress


The visual imagery of the beheadings in the Middle East were ghastly. Many Americans have reversed their stance on what actions are necessary to snuff out the perpetrators. Lets get boots on the ground is the new rallying cry. I get it. People that we as Americans can relate to were executed. What should we as Americans do about the terrorist acts displayed here within our own shores? We (as a nation) have some old wounds that arent yet healed. Only the light and air provided by exposure will yield the desired results. Listen to the narrator as he provides background information as to the brutality and fervor displayed by on lookers to this particular atrocity. Its chilling. Yeah I know the drill. Some will roll their eyes and say get over it. Thats ancient history. It will go away when you stop bringing it up. To that I say BS. History is repeating itself. The forum has changed no need to gather in the middle of town square for a lynching. Americans now watch lynchings (not literally, but unless youve had your head buried in the sand, you get my meaning) via the convenience of their own homes. Police officers deciding on the spot if a black mans size makes him a lethal weapon. Home owners so frightened that the sound of a knock at night warrants the use of deadly force. Self appointed community patrol laying out their brand of justice. A man at a gas station offended by rap music demands that it be turned down and when his demands are ignored he opens fire. These acts all took place within the past three years. There are plenty more examples. Do the research if you so choose, The above list is not exhaustive, it doesnt need to be. It illustrates that we have some work to do right here on our own shores. so again Americans. What should we do about the terrorism here on our own shores?
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:24:57 +0000

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