"The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way - TopicsExpress


"The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain." Proverbs 15:19 For decades people who like to drive really, really fast have descended on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Many of the world land speed records were set here. The miles and miles of this smoothly and densely packed salt pan in northwestern Utah offer drivers of cars, trucks, and motorcycles the opportunity to achieve their maximum speed in relative safety. Because the course is smooth and straight, the only consideration is how fast a top speed can be achieved. There is nothing like a smooth road to make travel easier. The Hebrew word used for “plain” in today’s verse is the idea of a road that was elevated—a highway. Though we use the term for any major road these days, the original meaning was a road that had been built up so that it would be flat and level, without the dips and valleys that would make travel difficult in the days before motorized transportation. The Romans raised the building of such roads to an art form, and remnants of the old Roman highways still exist to this day. This is the term God chose to describe the lives of those who are following His wisdom principles for living. It is important to note that this verse is not teaching the careless prosperity theology so popular in our day. It does not say that the way of the righteous is easy and without trouble. Instead it teaches that as we walk in God’s way, we find an easier path through life than we would otherwise have. There will still be suffering and persecution, but we will not be dealing with the painful consequences of sinful behavior and bad decisions. Like a driver searching for the fastest route to his destination, let us look for God’s way through our lives. Today’s Proverbs Precept: Dedicate yourself to living by God’s commandments, and you will find your way smoother than it would otherwise be.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 15:00:38 +0000

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