The wedding night Stacey, Denni and I stayed at our nabours house - TopicsExpress


The wedding night Stacey, Denni and I stayed at our nabours house (Mike, Anna and Frank - the dog), so Fran and Aaron + the Boston family could stay at our house. We were all happy and with hangovers the day after, but also excited because it was the day we (Stacey, Denni and I) were flying to Brisbane. Karena Blyth (we call her Martha) picked us up in the airport. We arrived in Noosa at Marthas place late in the night, but we were awake enough to see that we have arrived in paradise. Marthas and Arthurs (her husband) house were beautiful with a nice garden, outdoor area and pool. I felt immediately home even though I already there was introduced to some Aussie animals (out of many - all the exciting animals were some of the best of my Aussie experience). The roof outside were full of geckoes and I met a big cockroach when I opened the bin to spit out my chewing gum. The days up to Christmas we were checking out Noosa which is a beautiful surfer beach town at what is called The Sunshine Coast. Its exactly as Ive seen in movies. It looks like a baywatch movie with hot and fit boys and girls with surf boards and life guards. Noosa has the best surfer beach (especially good waves for beginners), a nice shopping/beach/restaurant street called Hastings street, a lovely National park (with beautiful walks and a good place to spot a kuala - I never did though) etc. We were also just enjoyed Marthas and Arthurs place - we have spent so many ours in the pool (especially Denni who is so confident with the water now. She can swim in the deep end of the pool, do flips and dive). Last we have made everything ready for the big Christmas day - Denni had her ears pierced and the rest of the family arrived (Michael and Kathrine who are the Marthas and Arthurs kids and Nick who is Kats husband + 4 dogs). Christmas day came! Very early actually... Denni was up at 5 in morning and she had found her, Michaels and mine Christmas stocking under the christmas tree full of presents. Soon we were all up opening presents. Afterwards we went to the beach to try Arthur- and Michaels new surf board. It was so much fun to try and I cant wait to try again some time. I was only standing up for a short time, but Michael and Arthur said it counted! When we came back to the house I was already hot again (we had around 30 degrees all the time), so when I saw Denni in the pool, I couldnt stop myself from joining her. It didnt seem like long before our champagne barbecue brunch was ready - YUM thats all I can say. When I came out of the pool I also realized my sweet Danish family had tried to Skype my, because we had planned to have a quick Christmas skype, but I hadnt really been thinking about the Australian time difference and when I finally called my parents, Danish Christmas was over. That was so wired to think of! Ours just started and we are even 9 hours late, but thats of course because we had Christmas the 25th instead of the 24th. Well, I had a quick and nice chat with my parents and wished them a very merry christmas Christmas was hot and there was therefore need for many cold drinks! I peeled prawns and made the pavalova. We opened presents, ate beautiful barbecue and salads, opened presents, jumped in the pool and suddenly a very nice, very vey different and definitely unforgetable Christmas with fantastic people was over.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:04:21 +0000

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