The week and a bit that was………sorry for my tardiness but - TopicsExpress


The week and a bit that was………sorry for my tardiness but with the increase of work after the raising of the threat level the place has been a mad house. 17/09/2014 1.00pm plain clothes Police Patrolling Balls head Park came across 25year old male sitting in his car looking a tad not all there. After a subsequent conversation and a history check, Police conducted a search of the vehicle allegedly locating 3 small plastic bag containing what we believe to be Cannabis, a number of white pills and a yellow powder substance along with a 18cm Folding knife. The man was arrested charged with a knife and drug charges. 18/09 9.50pm Police patrolling the North Sydney CBD were walking up some stairs when they noticed it appeared to begin to rain. Looking above them a male was seen to be apparently urinating against the side of a building causing considerable splash back. Upon seeing Police the man apparently ran off before being located a short time later. Whilst speaking to the man he apparently stated that he had anger management issues before becoming abusive towards Police demanding to know why Police were speaking with him. The man was issued with an infringement and directed to leave the area before returning for a shower. 20/09 9.05pm. Some of our Police were working the Manly Bulldogs game when they saw a man apparently making offensive gestures towards them. The man was spoken to by Police and removed from the ground for intoxication. Whilst escorting the man out his friend apparently ran at police holding 3 full schooners of beer in a tray yelling at Police to leave his friend alone. Despite repeated requests to back off the man in what can only be described a waste of good beer allegedly tipped the 3 schooners over the nearest Police officer, before he was restrained by some of the Public order Riot squad who were walking past. The man was charged with assaulting Police and banned from the ground for 2 years. 21/09 12.10am a group of friends were having a party in St leonards park, when apparently a girl approached 17 year old male and cut off some of his hair with scissors before returning to her boyfriend and showing him,. The victim approached the girl, asked why she had cut his hair at which point the boyfriend allegedly grabbed the victim around the neck placing the scissors to his throat abusing him for talking to his girlfriend. It is alleged that at this point the boyfriend struck the victim to the face whilst holding the scissors causing a 3cm gash to his face. The victim managed to get free before running away and calling Police. The victim was taken to RNSH hospital for treatment with Police attending the Hospital. In a quirk of fate whilst speaking with the victim the alleged offender entered the same hospital seeking treatment for a cut to his finger which occurred during the assault as a result of holding the scissors. The alleged offender was arrested and a hospital guard placed on him whilst surgery was completed on his finger. Upon his release the man was charged with Assault occasioning grievous bodily harm and bail was refused. The victim is undergoing plastic surgery to try and fix the damage. 24/09 12.20pm At a Harbour side Club two chefs got into an argument over how to prepare a dish in the kitchen. After some insults about each other’s skill that would put Gordan Ramsey to shame an argument apparently escalated to punches being thrown. After being separated by staff it is alleged that one of the chefs picked up a large knife and lunged at the other man slicing his t-shirt open and causing a small cut on the victims torso, after another wrestle the alleged offending chef stormed out the door as the manager informed him his services were no longer required. Investigations are still continuing. 22/09 4.00pm You have heard “oh my god the chips” well this is “oh my god the rice.” One of Kirribilli residents put some rice on the stove to have with dinner before heading out into the Garden. A short time later another nearby resident saw smoke billowing out of the victims unit and alerted Police and the fire brigade. Emergency services arrived a short time later and managed to gain access and put the small fire out. Luckily the only damage is to the saucepan and poor resident’s dignity. Again just a few snippets from the last week. I could fill pages with what’s been happening. Hope you having a great week and better weekend to come.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 06:49:33 +0000

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