The week or so that was………… 7/8 11.15pm Police in an - TopicsExpress


The week or so that was………… 7/8 11.15pm Police in an unmarked car were driving on Ben Boyd Rd, Neutral Bay when allegedly a car parked on the side of the road pulled out with indicating into the path of the police car causing it to come to a screeching halt to avoid collision. More than a little surprised the Police driver shrugged her shoulders at the driver indicating “what the” at which point the female driver apparently gave the “Bird” and conducted an illegal U-turn over double lines before speeding off. Not surprisingly the female driver was stopped and spoken to and saw no issue with the one finger salute. Enquires revealed she was in fact the safety officer for a nearby road works sight……..infringements were issued. 9/08 8.55pm A North Sydney resident was having a party in the court yard of his ground floor unit when once of the guests were apparently hit by a few ice cubes from above causing a small cut on his face. Another party was being held in a unit a few floors up and the obvious assumption was made that the ice must have come from this upper balcony. Words were had, threats made and testosterone raged. Police attended and made some enquires and it is suspected that another resident above the original party was annoyed with the noise and had been throwing ice from his balcony to try and gets the noisy neighbours to go back inside. 11/08 5.35pm A 75 year old Cremorne Point resident was enjoying her afternoon walk around Cremorne Point when she stopped to admire a singing bird welcoming the imminent arrival of spring. Unfortunately in an effort to get closer to the lovely little bird, our poor resident walked off the path into the bush and off a small cliff. The resident had to be rescued suffering a broken leg. Our best wishes and hope your feeling better soon. 11/08 1.15pm A Milsons Point Marketing company received a package apparently from the U.S. When staff opened the package an amount of white powder was seen to spill from the package. Not surprisingly staff were a little panicked and emergency services were called. Fire brigade HAZMAT units and Police attended evacuating the 1st Floor whilst it was determined if the substance was dangerous. It was found t be benign and taken away for further analysis whilst staff returned to work. In October 2013 a local resident noticed that his electricity bill had been significantly increasing over the last few months. The issue was raised with the electricity company who apparently stated it was an accurate reading and they should just pay the bill. The next month saw an even greater bill and again the resident complained. After much arguing the electricity company sent a technician and it was learnt that a neighbour had apparently tampered with the meters and had been getting his neighbours power instead of paying for his own power. Our resident advised his electricity company who were very sympathetic and then asked him to pay the bill or report it to the Police. Report taken and matter is being investigated. 12/08 1.35am were patrolling the Warringah Freeway and observed a Blue Honda Odyssey travelling north in one of the lanes that had a large red X on the above signage indicating that no cars should be in the lane. The odyssey continued in the lane all the way to the Military exit where it stopped for a red light. Upon the light turning green the car apparently did not move from the intersection until police gave the car a little honk. The vehicle was stopped in a nearby street and the driver spoken to. Over the next 15 minutes the female driver, on a Thai Licence allegedly failed to supply insufficient breath from an analysis on 11 separate occasions before being arrested and taken to North Sydney Police Station. An analysis at the Station allegedly returned a reading of .079. The woman was charged with Drink Driving and will appear in court later this month. 12/08. Yesterday saw a large operation in and around the Prime Ministers and Governor Generals residence in Kirribilli with the U.S Secretary of State & Defence attending for discussions on US bases in Australia and current Global Security concerns. We know a lot of locals were inconvenienced, we apologise for that and thanks to most for being very understanding. Well that’s about it for this week, hope your having a great week and Bring on SUMMER sick of the cold and wet!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 23:23:47 +0000

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