The weekend of June 22 to 23 , I am going to organize a retreat - TopicsExpress


The weekend of June 22 to 23 , I am going to organize a retreat to the Romanian Field Organization, in Hamilton, Canada, for which I have a great appreciation . During these two days - Saturday and Sunday , I will offer consultations, treatments and on every day of the two days, I will offer clases relatd to therapeutic gymnastics exercises which specifically address health problems of the participants. Also , I will offer exposures on the following topics: 1 . The cause of the disease - the relationship between illness and why we get sick ( cause-effect relationship ) 2 . The relationship between thinking / personality and health conditions . 3 . Removal of the repercussions that affect health , due to some mistakes made in life. 4 . What is life and why are we here? What is the purpose of human existence in the period between the two events - birth and death? 5 . What are the entities that accompany the physical body this time – that we call life ? During the retreat , the Romanian Camp Organization gives participants 3 meals each day , and accommodation to the possible extent . The number of participants is very limited. I agreed to organize this retreat at The Romanian Camp , because a Romanian Patch as this, in the middle of the North American continent ,which preserves and carries forward the Romanian values and traditions , needs help . The Romanian Camp is a divine place, and nature, so generous , makes you feel as if you were in a paradise. The proceeds from this retreat, exclusively, will be used to repair and maintain the building. Here , the Romanians from surrounding areas will be able to meet , celebrate and feel in a Romanian way. Romanian Camp is a spectacular place , crossed by a river, adorned by a forest; a chapel is located in its middle . In this chapel, the Romanians who took exile because of the communist repercussions, were praying for the good of the nation. They left us the legacy of this Romanian Camp, and it is our duty to take care of it, use it and love it. For registration and further pieces of information, please call : 905-265-9884 . / Weekend-ul din 22-23 Iunie , o sa sustin un retreat la Organizatia Campul Romanesc din Hamilton, Canada, pentru care am o deosebita pretuire. Pe parcursul acestor doua zile – Sambata si Duminica, o sa ofer consultatii, tratamente si cate o clasa in fiecare zi din cele doua zile, de exercitii de gimnastica terapeutica, care, sa se adreseze specific problemelor de sanatate ale participantilor. Deasemenea, o sa ofer cateva expuneri cu urmatoarele subiecte: 1. Cauza bolilor – relatia dintre cauza bolilor si de ce ne imbolnavim (relatia cauza- efect) 2. Relatia dintre gandire/personalitate si afectiuni de sanatate. 3. Eliminarea repercusiunilor care afecteaza sanatatea, in urma unor greseli facute in timpul vietii. 4. Ce este viata si de ce suntem aici? Care este scopul existentei omului in perioada dintre cele doua evenimente – nastere si moarte? 5. Care sunt entitatile ce insotesc corpul fizic pe aceasta perioada – pe care o numim viata? Pe perioada retreat-ului, Organizatia Campul Romanesc ofera participantilor 3 mese in fiecare zi, si cazare in limita posibilitatilor. Numarul participantilor este foarte limitat. Am fost de accord sa sustin acest retreat la Campul Romanesc, deoarece acest peticel romanesc, in mijlocul continentului nord-american, care pastreaza si duce mai departe valorile si traditiile romanesti, are nevoie de ajutor. Acest Camp Romanesc este un loc divin, iar natura, atat de generoasa, te face sa te simti intr-un Paradis. Incasarile obtinute in urma acestui retreat, in exclusivitate, vor fi folosite pentru repararea si intretinerea constructiei. Aici, romanii din imprejurimi vor putea sa se intalneasca, sa sarbatoreasca si sa simta romaneste. Campul Romanesc este un loc pitoresc, strabatut de un rau, impodobit de o padurice, in mijlocul careia se afla o capela. In aceasta capela se rugau pentru binele neamului, grupuri de romani plin de simtaminte romanesti, care au luat drumul pribegiei, din cauza repercusiunilor comuniste. Ei ne-au lasat ca mostenire acest Camp Romanesc, iar datoria noastra este sa il ingrijim, sa il folosim si sa il iubim. Pentru inscrieri si informatii suplimentare, sunati la telefon: 905-265-9884.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 04:05:16 +0000

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