The weekend saw us visit two of our favourite venues, The Manor - TopicsExpress


The weekend saw us visit two of our favourite venues, The Manor House in West Bromwich and Newsham Park Hospital in Liverpool. We were joined by great guests on both nights - thank you all for choosing Eerie Evenings for your event. Heres what we encountered over the weekend: THE MANOR HOUSE saw us make contact with a little girl called Lucy in the great hall. Movement was heard in this room at the same time. Another group, using a wooden planchette in this area, established that they were talking to a man but received no further information from him; however, he did seem particularly attracted to one female guest as he moved the planchette towards her even when she moved from the table. Whilst one group was sitting chatting towards the end of a vigil in the great hall, they heard movement from the bar area. On checking with the Manor House manager - nobody had been in the bar area! In the solar, we had some unexplained K2 and EMF activity and again, with the planchette, made contact with spirit. This time it was a gentleman from The Vernon Household. The smaller rooms at the front of the building gave us some noises that we couldnt explain and some interesting table tipping. Flashing lights were also witnessed with the naked eye in this area. Lots of personal contact was also had across the whole building. Thanks again everyone. :) NEWSHAM PARK HOSPITAL was another interesting night. With a row of lockers being pushed and a coin being thrown in the locker room, we were certainly spooked! One of our team members also heard what sounded like some metal being thrown in this room. The K2 meter was particularly active in the basement area as well. The punishment corridor was quiet for much of the night, although several people noticed that a door had been opened by an unknown force. Two guests left alone in the corridor also heard what sounded like a group of people heading towards the door. Fully expecting one of our other groups to walk in, they waited, but nothing! We also spent some time in the rooms off the punishment corridor. One of our mediums had a scare in one room during our walkabout when a figure of a man prevented her from leaving the room! We had some great table tipping in this area and lots of footsteps were heard. One of our guests, Lisa, seemed to attract a lot of attention in these rooms as she reported being touched several times. In the wards, whilst using a set of dowsing rods, one group established that they were talking to a little boy, aged 7, who had died on the ward. He said his name was Andy. One of our guests reminded him of his mother. Another group had some contact through the Ouija board, said to be a little boy, but the name spelt out made no sense to anyone. Several tapping noises were heard in this area. The morgue was very inactive all night, until our final group went it. It appeared that a little girl spirit was quite fond of one of our male guests - he was actually quite scared by this! We finished off the night with a human pendulum in the psychiatric ward - our first volunteer Dave, felt nothing, but our second volunteer Ebony, said she felt as if someone was pushing her on the shoulders. We asked spirit to help Ebony find a certain member of the group, which he did. Once again, thank you to all of our wonderful guests for joining us over the weekend. Thanks for joining in and for some great laughs and for sharing some scary moments. Hope to see you all again :)
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 12:36:03 +0000

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