The white effeminate narcissists who have controlled America since - TopicsExpress


The white effeminate narcissists who have controlled America since before World War ll expect White men to behave like the Eloi in "Time Machine". We are conditioned to be perpetual children who need the authorities to protect us and provide for all our needs. We are taught that we should go school, get a job, pay our taxes, consume things, and otherwise do as we are told. We say the Pledge, sing the Anthem, salute the flag, and pretend we believe the American Creed that all men are created equal. To prove our loyalty to the regime, we offer up our sons and daughters to the military machine that is charged with enforcing the American Mandate of Democracy and Crony Capitalism on the rest of the world. We are permitted by polite society to complain but nothing more. Indeed, those White men who insist on refusing to be housebroken by the regime are quickly branded by the usual epithets: racist, conspiracy theorist, domestic terrorist, anti-Semite or, worst of all, unpatriotic. The regime seeks to destroy real manhood within the White race because it knows, both instinctively and historically, that it is only real men who will dare stand against tyranny. After John Wayne-ing our way through the centuries, creating societies in our own image, we find ourselves in a precarious position. While we White real men were all busy ducking and swinging, bleeding and working, we were being undermined by the little terrified white sissies who got picked on on the school bus. Now our kind, White men cut from the old cloth, are told that we have no place in the modern world except to serve our emasculated masters. We are to do our duty to the rulers and keep our mouths shut as New America ridicules our culture and reduces us to second-class citizen status behind every minority and illegal alien. Keep our mouths shut even as we realize that our children will have a bleak future as a hated minority in their own land. Keep our mouths shut and accept our fate, a fate not unlike that of the White MEN who built Rhodesia into a prosperous nation only see it turned over to a people who are incapable of creating or maintaining a complex society. Today is a very good day to be slow of foot and long of tooth. I will not be around long enough to see the rest of the country I knew and loved swirl down the toilet.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 17:11:05 +0000

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