The whole concept is still facts that remains A MAN SHOULD GET HIM - TopicsExpress


The whole concept is still facts that remains A MAN SHOULD GET HIM PLATE FIRST LOL !!!! Read below👇👇👇👇👇My family is extremely matriarchal. The women outnumber the men and are most definitely in control of most (all) of the decision making (sorry uncles). Sure, they might let you state your input, but the final word rests with the ladies. This is why I was extremely surprised when one day over the holidays, with multiple kids and cousins waiting to eat at a relative’s house, one of my aunts suggested that we wait until my husband awoke so he could be served first. That suggestion was immediately met with opposition, sideways glances, and hysterical laughter. She seemed to be genuinely perplexed at the hilarity that ensued. To be fair, my aunt is extremely old school, and I don’t hold it against her. But it got me thinking, “are we still there”? I think women in my generation have made significant progress in terms of not allowing service-hood to become servant-hood. We are much more assertive and practical than our parents in this regard (for better or for worse). We have made generational adjustments that our parents hadn’t even considered to be a possibility. In another example, I was working on something with my mom when she suggested we pause so that I could make breakfast for my husband. I simply suggested he could scramble a couple of eggs himself, since we were in the middle of something. While I didn’t give it much thought she told me later that she had often felt overwhelmed in serving and never even considered suggesting anything similar to her own husband. She was impacted by my practicality, and proud of my self-care. Now, I don’t mind cooking for, or making my man a hefty plate of food. However, the suggestion that his Y chromosome makes his needs more essential than mine is ludicrous. We can serve one another and neither one of us is helpless. My goal is to find a healthy balance of service and self-care. At the end of the day, he can fix his own plate. Do you stop what you are doing to fix your man a plate? Does he do the same for you?
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 09:03:01 +0000

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