The whole green energy industry is a scam dependent on subsidies - TopicsExpress


The whole green energy industry is a scam dependent on subsidies and taxes. Environmental groups organisations setup and funded by the likes of the Rockefellers and The Greens, GetUp and Think Progress by Soros. The influence of these people does not stop with the lies and propaganda spread by sites such as and The Sierra Club which is mostly aimed at selling the green energy dream and keeping green energy subsidies flowing. It is much worse than that. The influence of these people permutate the main stream media, politics, government, even the US military and security apparatus the NSA and CIA then there is the true source of their power control of the UN World Bank BIS ECB and IMF. There is no Global warming and yes we are facing world domination from a powerful elite who are now above the rule of law and know no bounds. Wars for oil, NSA corporate spying should be enough to convince everyone that the US government its military, Spy Agencies, Judiciary, Financial System and news media are all under Anglo American Corporate Control. To put it simply we are stuffed the militarisation of the US police, the expansion of Homeland Security the TSA and FEMA the destruction of privacy and the constitution the confiscation of you guns are no accident. This is an orchestrated well planned and executed operation. The elite are preparing to fight the coming revolution. Carbon taxes, green energy subsidies energy poverty are all part of a UN plot to bankrupt Europe and the US enslaving everyone in debt to the IMF and world bank enriching the elite. The ultimate goal a one world government and world currency controlled by the people planning to take down the system. The world will burn and from the ashes will arise a new system. There is no global warming and wind and solar are an expensive mistake being forced upon society by environmentalists organisations funded by the elite. The CAGW debate is nothing but carefully controlled propaganda. You create an problem (agw) divide the people, control the debate, demonise one side by calling them deniers thus creating an enemy while surrounding your solution with a religious self-rightiousness. This is propaganda 101. There are no us and them, there are no Alarmists or Deniers we are all nothing but tools of the elite.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 21:39:12 +0000

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