The whole idea that Ruth Paines station wagon was used to - TopicsExpress


The whole idea that Ruth Paines station wagon was used to transport Oswald out of Dealey Plaza is based on a vague and ambiguous statement of Oswalds that was reported by Roger Craig and no one else. Does it rise to the level of evidence? It wasnt even a direct statement, and we know for a fact that Oswald told police that he rode the bus and cab. He even cited the bus fare of eighty five cents, and Fritz wrote it down. There is no reason to doubt that Oswald said it. So, its a leap to claim that Oswald was implying that he was picked up in Ruth Paines station wagon. Plus, there is no practical basis for it to have happened. First, there is no evidence that Ruth Paine owned a Nash Rambler station wagon. It is not something she could have hid, neither the car nor the record of it. And therefore, it is not something she would have lied about. She owned a Chevy station wagon, and we know the license plate number of it: NK4041. What are the chances that she owned two? At the time, she was separated from her husband Michael. The odds are great that between them, they owned two cars, that she kept one, and he kept the other. And even if you are going to speculate that they owned three cars, why would they own two station wagons? They definitely owned a Chevrolet station wagon. I am not dismissing Ruth Paines role in the assassination. She was supposed to be the kind, Quaker woman who, out of the goodness of her heart, took Marina Oswald and her children in. She allowed Lee to visit at will and even sleep over. She gave him driving lessons. And she even reportedly got him his job at the TSBD. I dont accept any of that at face value, but I do think they were trying to sell it. And it wouldnt look good at all if her car was used to transport Oswald out of Dealey Plaza, in essence, to be his get-away car. And that would be true even if she were the one driving it, but to make it that the conspirators borrowed her car links her directly to the conspirators. Why would they do that? Why would they borrow a car from Ruth Paine when they could have brought a car or bought a car or rented a car? This was an operation of the national security state according to Vincent Salandria, so how could it come down to having to borrow a car from Ruth Paine? And how do you borrow a car in Dallas from someone who lives in Irving? Youd have to go to Irving to get it and then drive back to Dallas to commence your purpose. Then afterwards, youd have to drive back to Irving to return it and then somehow get back to Dallas. That is two round-trips just to handle the arrangement of it. Wouldnt it defeat the purpose of borrowing it? But, the worst thing is that it would link Ruth Paine directly to the assassination. What if the car had been stopped due to an accident, a traffic citation, a mechanical breakdown? If you think David Sanchez Morales was driving the car because Roger Craig said the man was colored, I can assure you the DSM was not supposed to be linked to Ruth Paine. It wouldnt look good if those two knew each other. And, are we supposed to assume that David Sanchez Morales hitch-hiked out to Ruth Paines house in Irving and picked up the car in broad daylight? The whole idea of such an arrangement is preposterous. The whole claim is based on nothing but a recollection of Roger Craig that is so obscure, floating, and dangled in abstractness that its foolish to put stock in it and treat it like concrete evidence. We dont know how accurately Craig remembered what Oswald said, and we dont know what Oswald meant, what he was talking about, And when you look at the entirety of the evidence and the circumstances, there is no reason to think that Ruth Paines car was used to transport Oswald out of Dealey Plaza.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:36:05 +0000

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