The whole matter of wearing burqa and niqab in the west just shows - TopicsExpress


The whole matter of wearing burqa and niqab in the west just shows how alienated are the Muslims from the reality were they live. We are here - in the West - to build bridges between us and the rest of the people, so they can appreciate what is the Deen. We are not here to create hindrances and barriers between us and the people. We are here to call them to the Deen of Allah, not to scare them away from it. The burqa-niqab creates a psychological barrier between a non-Muslim woman and Islam. Any European woman, when she see the burqa-niqab, thinks automatically: I dont want to know anything about this religion. But when they see the modesty of hijab, they respect it and get interested in it. It is right that they banned it. We should have banned it first, and not let them to teach us a lesson. The niqab in the West is absolutely and categorically wrong from the point of view of fiqh, regardless of how much Wahabis, Deobandis and other groups think about it. And they think like that because they do not take into account the sensibility and the customs of they people they live with. They dont take it because they think about them: Bah! they are just kuffar! We dont care what they think. Well if you dont care what they think or feel, what are you doing here? Why are you in their country and benefiting from their system of education, health and other benefits. Go back to an Islamic country and wear all the niqabs you want. (Shaykh Ali Laraki)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 03:02:58 +0000

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