The whole trip home, I was worrying about Elizabeth. Like a - TopicsExpress


The whole trip home, I was worrying about Elizabeth. Like a mother letting go of her first child, I wanted to call her but knew she needed time to breathe and settle. The ship and crew especially the honor guard, were perfect. My relationship with Keshara has changed greatly. Now it seems I’m spending more time taking care of her than she of me, and I must admit it feels good to do so. This woman has indeed wormed her way into my heart. Romulan women, especially those of her size and height have a ruff time with menstrual cycles. The cramps can be brutal. It’s a good thing she was over them. The commander called me. He said My Queen we have just crossed over into Romulan Space. I said very good Commander. I will be right up. I put on my everyday uniform and went to the bridge. As I walked out the door I looked back and saw this little angel sleeping in my bed and felt that warmth in my heart. I had to smile. After settling down in the command chair I was handed a pad with the ships status on it. As I leafed through the data on the pad, I gave the order to drop out of Transwarp. Coming out of Transwarp I felt a lurch and told the helm to drop out of warp immediately shut down the Warp Drive! shut it down now! Intantly I got on the communicator to the engine room. My Queen, The engines are overheating. We have a coolant blockage. There is no danger as long as we are out of warp. Helm said we should have enough forward speed left to drift into orbit and then use thrusters to maneuver over to the shipyard. Engine room, do your best to resolve the situation. If anybody can do it you can. The voice said yes my Queen. I looked around and everybody expected me to be angry. I said Relax people. The Fang is new. There was bound to be some problems to over come. Snickering, You all haven’t seen me like this before. Being so tolerant. Well don’t get used to it. I do expect the best from the finest ship and crew we have. I’m just very tired and want to go home just like you. I pushed the button for ship wide audio. Crew of the Fang, This is your Queen speaking. We’ve had an engine problem and had to shut them down. Not to worry, My helm officer assures me that we still have enough forward speed to maneuver into orbit. For his sake I hope he is right. It would be an embarrassment to have to send one of our old ships out to tow us in. And embarrassing me is still a sure-fire way of pissing me off. That being said, Once at home. The thrusters will move this ship over to our shipyard for a complete run through. Communications notify the yardmaster. I want this ship repaired and running smoothly. As for my honor guard and the crew. My complements for handling yourselves professionally. I am granting three weeks leave for every man. Have some fun but stay out of trouble. I think you all know by now, the other thing that will piss me off. Queen out. Leaning back in my command chair I said well people, Lets relax sit back and float in. The helm officer had his finger on the thruster button and was sweating it out. We were down to 50 KPH when we slipped into Romulas gravity well and were pulled into orbit. I stood up and placed my hand on the helm officer’s shoulder. He took a deep breath and looked up. I smiled, Not bad lieutenant. Not too bad at all. Another 100 feet and you might have flown out an airlock. I shook his shoulder. Relax lieutenant. I may be tired and cranky but I still have my sense of humor. You did great. Looking around I said, you all did great I’m proud of all of you. There will be commendations in the records for every man and woman. Including a very brave but wiping my hand on my pants leg, really sweaty lieutenant I know. The crew snickered. After she is in the shipyard and your duties are done and your consoles are locked down you are free to go home. I for one am leaving now so if you will excuse me. Commander, You have the ship. I got up and left and had my bags packed in the shuttle in record time. Keshara helped too. It was good to see her back on her feet and feeling better. We climbed into the shuttle. My fighter escort was already outside the ship waiting on me. I looked at my watch and knew that the Senate was still in its afternoon session. So I flew over to the Senate building’s landing pad and touched down. Jaden’s security guards were outside getting ready for him. The Security Chief saw my shuttle coming for a landing and hastily made ready for me. My own guard was given the day off, as they didn’t expect me back so soon. I asked Keshara if she could stay with the shuttle. I won’t be long. Protocol demands I report to the Senate when I come home from off world visits. She smiled and said ok. The guard formed up and we marched in. Just inside the doorway, I stopped and took a deep breath and simply said to the security chief, Its good to be home. Let’s continue I have a husband to hold. We marched up to the door. And knocked. The door opened. It looked like I interrupted something. Once the doorman introduced my name, the senators erupted in applause and cheers. We marched in. I got half way and my handsome husband was running down the isle as fast as he could. I flung myself into his arms and squeezed tight as he spun me around with delight. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me all the rest of the way to my chair. Standing by the chair he was about to set me down when I clamped down and wouldn’t let go. I shook my head and gave him a wicked but playful look. With out thinking the mics were still on, I blurted out, Take me home and make love to me. Jaden turned six shades of red. And instantly I knew the senators heard me. They all cracked up and cheered again. Jaden, true to his manhood kept me in his arms and turned to face the Senators. I was so red faced but still grinning and I hid my face in Jaden’s shoulder. They were still cracking up when Jaden said, My Queen has given me a direct order so I guess we are adjourned. Still cracking up, the Senators filed out and went home. Jaden kept me in his arms and waited for the guards. As a proud newlywed he marched out with me in his arms and carried me all the way back to my shuttle. When we got home, Keshara saw the look on my face and said you two go ahead I’ll take care of the luggage and get things unpacked. So we did. By the time Keshara got settled we were already in our bedroom making some joyful noise. Something changed inside me back in White Star. I felt more alive. More like myself than I ever did. It felt wonderful having my husband’s hands on my naked skin. Everywhere he touched seemed like I was on fire with a passion I had never known. We stopped for a moment to let my husband catch his breath. I squealed and rubbed my butt against him and cheered out, “I’m Home-I’m Home. Great Maker, It feels good to be home” I rolled him over on his back and gave him a kiss he won’t soon forget. Neither would I as it got him all reved up and ready to go again. Poor Keshara was in the living room cracking up, Laughing at all the hooping and hollering we were doing. Finally after a few hours we quiet down and got our robes on and came out to get something to eat. Keshara grinned and said the joys of family life. I grinned wide and exclaimed, Exactly Right!! We are a family and it is Joyous. I walked over and held her hand. And you are part of this family forever. I looked over to Jaden while holding her hand. He grinned and said I’m glad you got everything worked out. Keshara leaned on my arm and I snickered. We all went to the replicator and ordered up Cheeseburgers, fries and shakes and pigged out. Then we all went to the hot tub and relaxed. Well Keshara, now that you’re my sister. You can come and go with me, without any doubts. Jaden popped his head up. In public you would be sisters. In private you could be what ever you wanted. I looked over and her eyes were so large and so tear filled. She stood their neck deep in water and said I am amazed, you two did that for me. You really made me a part of your family. Ever since my parents died, I wondered if I ever would feel liked I belonged some where. I swam over and wrapped my arms around her and said you are already in my heart and have my love. You are a part of this family all ready. This way you would be more protected. Right honey? Jaden said right. I completely agree. Keshara jumped up and down in the water squealing with delight. I gave her a kiss and she melted in my arms. We all huddled up and relaxed. Jaden reminded us. We still have to be careful. Oh by the way. I got the papers and deeds for all the property Sharray willed to you. You’re going to be in for a shock. She must have loved you very much. She left you everything. The house, Her money, Her shuttle, Clothes and other belongings, Everything. You’re a wealthy woman young lady. Keshara began to cry. She said I wish she could see me now. See how happy I am. I hugged her tight. She can honey. I don’t know how or why, but I just know she can. Keshara said, I heard you talking into your log about the Great Maker and Family could that be how you know. I looked over to Jaden. And said I don’t know, Maybe. Jaden smiled, he said, That’s it. That’s the change. You’re beginning to believe. After all these years of you snickering at me, You’re starting to believe. I swam back over to Jaden and placed my hand on his chest. I said I’m not sure. I never had any experience to fall back on except what I saw from you. I think, maybe it’s more like he helped me cut the cord to my past. All the heaviness and bad memories of the abuse and war went away and for the first time in a while I felt clean. Jaden said I want to read this log. Do you mind? I said, No, you can if you want to. I have held no secrets from you, ever. He said good. He reached for his pad and tied into my computer. I entered my code. He called it up and read it.. He got quiet I mean very quiet and began to weep. I asked did I get it right? Jaden finished and turned off the pad and set it aside and still weeping he took a moment. Then looking at me with so much love in his eyes he said, Get it right? Mandy, I think you paid the greatest complement to “The Great Maker” ever by acknowledging all he had done. You didn’t get it right. You got it perfect and I love you so much. Everything will begin to change. You’ll see. It will day by day Little bit by Little bit. I promise. Keshara said Holly shit!! I whirled around and said what? You had your back to me. Look Jaden look at her scars. They’re beginning to fade. He rubbed his hand across my back. Keshara is right just a little but the change is there. I thought for a moment. Keshara already had her mini scanner in her hand and was scanning me. All your readings are normal. You still have the bullet in your shoulder. Still the tell tale markings of your broken bones but the scars are fading. I cried and kiss my husband. Then tomorrow, I know what I need to do. And Keshara I need a witness. Jaden said what? I said I’m going to really let go of my past. My father has been the anchor of rage that has held me back. I’m going to destroy his box and marker and release him forever. I am his only daughter. I have the right. Jaden said, I need to check with the grave keeper first. If he give’s the go ahead, I don’t see why not. I agree with what you said about all of us going away for a while. How about a place you know. Maybe Trill. I was so happy I almost drowned him. He came up spitting but smiling and laughed. I take it you agree. I already contacted your sister Ezri and made the arraignments for next week. I gave Keshara a wicked look. Excuse me Keshara, I have a husband to ravage. Keshara giggled as we climbed out and trotted off to the bedroom trying to hold on to our towels and robes. She went off to bed and fell into a deep sleep. After a couple more hours of fun, we did too.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:50:11 +0000

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