“The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are - TopicsExpress


“The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 Wickedness is utter lawlessness. It is someone who have no desire whatsoever to follow God. They’re just not interested, and their life shows it. But if you have received the Lord in your heart, you have been made righteous. Even when you miss the mark, as we all do, you are not wicked. You are righteous. So don’t flee as though you are wicked, looking over your shoulder for fear of judgement, running from God as if He’s about to strike you with lightning for what you did. Don’t let your sin and mistakes make a coward of you. Be bold in running straight to God so He can love you, forgive you, change you and help you discover who you are in Him. Be bold as a lion. Bold is not so much what we do, or what we say. Bold is who we are. The day the enemy causes us to question who we are based on what we have done, we will cease to be bold. Boldness is confidence, bravery and courage. It can grow and it can weaken. Boldness is greatly needed in our day, but sin has made cowards of men. We focus on what we have done and haven’t done, what we have said and haven’t said, we focus on mistakes we have made, and so on. All giving proof to ourselves of why we are just no use to God. We become so focused on our wrong and our weaknesses that we miss what God has made right through Jesus. If only we were to focus on the truth that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, we would see the Lion of Judah begin to roar loud from within us. We would see our true nature come forth. We would see His strength made perfect in our weaknesses. ~Daughters of the King Devotional
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:13:00 +0000

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