The wind blows and you can feel the angel of the wind and all her - TopicsExpress


The wind blows and you can feel the angel of the wind and all her helpers. The Earth’s Heartbeat moves energy and flows through our hearts….Why do we not come together and stop this attack on what’s sacred? The government’s monopoly on our organic certification has no doubt caused an inadequate standard and moving forward will be a constant attack on the purity of our food and our sacred temples from within; one day when most are not paying attention, like so many other rights taken away- poisons will strike us further, causing further dis-ease to all earthlings. Have you heard the quotes of the “global elite” on population control? Why are we not waging a non-violent constant battle on removing all manufacturing and application of non-bio-degradable toxins from our environment? This includes plastics! Their poison gasses destroy our homes air. Follow the money and see what is going on. Follow the history of Nature, Heaven and Hell, and we wake up to an ancient battle of good vs. evil. “Did you know all 43 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes has won every single American election.” America has not been free since the Indian Wars. It easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled. Families must get back into making everything from scratch to ensure a 100% organic harvest, each family growing a lot of their own food-trading with neighbors, and standing up for the Divine Mother that gives us a home and life. Each bite of food a person takes not 100% organic is destructive to our collective consciousness and upliftment of all. Its like we are taking part of this evil and saying it is OK to rape the earth for profit and sleep our way through life. Heaven is within, but I AM must become We Am, if we want to create heaven on earth-all needs met. We do not have much top soil left. We now live in a very polluted and toxic planet. All needs must be met for heaven on earth to become a reality. In the course of one lifetime, one meat eater will consume 26k animals, which includes fish. This is not all needs met. Disease follows in the heart and in every cell when a person participation in killing 26k of our animal friends and eating their flesh. Lets join hands! We must change first as caretakers of the earth along with our spiritual priorities. Our medicine, food, and water will heal, and in return, we will heal. A complete medicine bag has always carried ganja oil to heal tumors. Ganja vs. chemo? What right is being taken away from another citizen, if someone grows and uses Nature’s medicines to heal, or to connect with nature, or to write or pray?
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 00:25:39 +0000

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