The wind shook the leaf which awoke a butterfly who was eaten by a - TopicsExpress


The wind shook the leaf which awoke a butterfly who was eaten by a bird who smacked into a window which frightened the baby which caused Mom to drop the phone which forced Susan to drop her phone whose glass shattered on the cement which caused Steven to slip on a shard who dropped his coffee which landed on a pile of newspapers which had to be throw in the dumpster on top of a rat who frightened the landlady who fainted which alerted Sally who called the police who questioned Anarchist Bill who screamed platitudes which included assassination buzzword which alerted the NSA where Jordan in accounting was transferred the call which forced her to stop eating her sandwich which was elbowed into the waste paper basket which was eaten by John the Janitor which caused indigestion which was treated by Doctor Heinz who was called away from his wifes birthday party who because furious which resulted in throwing a knife which implanted into Kimberlys back which caused a call to the police who arrested Mentally Handicapped Josef who put down his book which was given to Goodwill where Josie bought it who tore out the pages and created a collage which she gave to her love Gregory who burned it out of hate which alerted a fire truck which ran over a dog who was owned by Secretary of State Hildebrandt who was distraught which caused him to sign a Attack North Korea Bill 254 which sent the USS Mary-weather into international waters which caused an international incident which forced North Korea to position its own ship near the US which made China and Russia arm their missiles which caused every channel on the TV to show the standoff which annoyed Mr. Killgard of Killgard Pastries which made him lose track of time which forced the shop to stay closed for ten additional minutes which really pissed off Fred who kicked a stone on the sidewalk which cracked the headlight of a passing car who honked its horn which caused Little Timmy to crash his bike which broke a leg which had to get a cast which cost $2500 which forced the parents to sell their jalopy which was bought by Ned who drove over a pothole which shot off his hubcap which rolled into...and we all died. You know--atomic war and all. And this is what I do when absurdity hits me----post your Butterfly Effect!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 03:44:13 +0000

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