The winds have changed, a new season has come upon us. Now is the - TopicsExpress


The winds have changed, a new season has come upon us. Now is the time to make war on the enemies of God, the angelic hosts have been sent to do battle because of our prayers. The soldiers of God have been called and His Champions are being chosen. We are standing united and fear has no place amongst us, for the Lord has gathered His remnant and made ready a people of warfare.(Isa41:15,16) Let us make known the fear of God, that the workers of evil will come to understand the fury of His Holy anger. God is a warrior and He is very eager for battle, and so the battle hunger is rising up and burning hot within His anointed ones.(Zec10:5 Mal4) God is longsuffering and He has been patient. He has been holding back His indignation and so the workers of evil have flourished and wicked men have prospered. But now through His faithful prophets will He bring forth His Rod of Iron, by the prayers of His saints will He satisfy the passion of His wrath. Almighty Warrior of Righteousness is His name. He makes the heavens tremble and quake with fear and the hearts of evil men will melt like wax, for none can stand before the fury of His indignation. He will show Himself terrible and His presence will be Ferocious as He leads us into battle. The Most High is about to reveal the absolution of His terror. (Mi1:3,4 Na1:1-11) Blessed are the obedient for they abide in the secret place of God, safely under the shadow of the Almighty and they shall prosper by the destruction of the wicked.( Ps91:1) And the Lord shall bring comfort, consolation, restoration and prosperity to the faithful as He prepares His Bride for the end time works.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 01:13:07 +0000

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