The winning poems of the online poetry writing competition Sifar - TopicsExpress


The winning poems of the online poetry writing competition Sifar se Shikhar Tak (Rising From the Ashes) : 2nd Position For how long must we wait before a restful sleep? For how long will we carry memories of a barbarian land? For how long will we remain captives of the past? For how long will ashes of humanity blacken our lives? As each element of nature cries for a crusade of growth, Well work to join paths leading to a vision of calm and glee, Humanity shall be garnished with tranquillity and optimism, We shall be free from the shackles of suffering and destruction. We shall break the chains that are holding us back, Under the spell of pursuing happiness, we shall move forward, and rebel. We shall not digress, we shall not retreat. We shall chase in the hope of a better love. Unaffected by the turbulence, the storm, the wars, We shall endeavour with courage, to rebuild this world. We shall vent out my anger for the establishment of peace, We shall not fear new bruises, so that old wounds may be healed. Stagnant waters shall flow, Injured birds shall fly, Shadows shall spring out light, Broken swords shall be vanished. Labour shall bear fruit, the sinuous shall repent. Shattered hearts shall not bleed, but again pump out life. Not engulfed in frost, the world shall flourish freely, Deafening silence shall break into a cry of ecstasy. The flame of our hearts, Shall awake burnt ashes to fire. People falling away from the Lord shall once again be motivated, Courage shall help seek salvation. The world shall not just survive, But will be rebuilt, and will grow. Itll see a new light of change, At the end of a long, dark night. There shall blow a wind of celebration, As folks sing songs of euphoria. A new rebirth and rise, marked by new footprints, As waves of blessing, wash away the old ones on the sand. Aayushi Bansal DTU
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:28:25 +0000

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