"The woman if true to her feminine nature is really an advance - TopicsExpress


"The woman if true to her feminine nature is really an advance over the man. Not because of her beauty, not because of her accomplishments, or even the nature of her love when correctly awakened, but because she possesses the womb, the laboratory wherein I will fashion those who will inhabit the world. Where she co-operates with or as an assistant to Allah in the formation, the reformation, and the final completion of the human being, so there is no reformation without the reform of the woman. How do you reform something that has been rejected from birth? It’s a good thing that God has given us the nature to submit and the nature to rebel. Because if I did not rebel against the circumstances in which I was born I could never be what I am today, because my Mother tried to kill me when I was a baby in her womb. She did not know what she was doing. She regrets that to this day and she tells me as she goes into the valley of death she begs the pardon of God for trying to kill this which was in the womb. But she marked me with her own thinking. And this is what led to my fall from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Because even though the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said so many good things to me about myself, I couldn’t believe it because my Mother rejected me in the womb. And so this rejection in the womb leads not to self denial but a self negation when you get older. You cannot accept yourself, you do not love yourself, and you do not want yourself. You easily become somebody else. That’s why you can call yourself a Cuban, Mexican, Arab or any damn body else except who you are because you reject yourself. I thank Allah that a Wise God puts His Hand over a Mother who though good and wonderful, in her ignorance set a mark on her child. But Allah said, “No, I’m going to give him the will to overcome his Mother, and her thinking when she was forming him in her womb. I’m going to give him the will to say I rebel against that.” And so as a young boy no matter what she said, I said I’ll show her. As a child I said I’ll show you mamma. The world will respect me one day. I’ll show you. And because I was determined to overcome the circumstances of my birth, I am where I am by the help of God. But what about you, you can’t give up on life and say, “Well we had bad circumstance, my Mother didn’t want me. Commit suicide and walk around the street with your head down like you can’t make a difference, you can’t change reality, it is will and thought can reverse the whole process. It is a new thought that can rearrange the genetic structure. And that’s why God says I make a new thing today9. Come in the midst of the old and say I’m going to make you re-born again. How can I be reborn? How can I go back in my Mother’s womb for the second time? Where so ever the wind is, you don’t know where it comes or where it goes but Jesus was telling Nicodemus, you must be born again. Now you got to bear me witness because we are the witness of the truth. Of a people destroyed. Now as we close this down, how we relate to circumstances surrounding our pregnancy determines certain character traits in the child. This is called prenatal influence. Here was Eve given to Adam10, the serpent deceives Eve. She eats his teaching or whatever it was that she ate, she feeds it to Adam, and they fall. And now they have children11. The duality is present now. He made them good; Satan made them depart from good12. Now they produce children, Cane and Abel, coming out of the same womb; two children with two different dispositions. Look at it now, right now you can’t produce 1,2, 3,4,5 turn them out like a cookie cutter; this is a great giant, this is another great giant, this is another one here, they come a giant every time. No you’re hit and miss. You produce good one and then four bad ones. You produce a good one and a real bad one, a good one and a real bad one, a mediocre one and a degenerate. Look at the Bible now. Eve produces Cain and Abel. These are two Brothers from the same womb with different characteristics. One of them has tenderness in his heart for God. You see that’s when Adam was in his right mind. So that right mind thought was there and at the roll of the dice out came Abel. But the next time out came Cain. And here is Cain and Abel, Cain sees Abel getting ahead. So he becomes jealous of his Brother. Envy leads to hatred, hatred leads to murder. So he murders his righteous Brother. And covers him up and that’s what goes on every day. The seed of good and evil is in you. But when the good tries to come on up, the evil of yourself which is so developed because of the thoughts that went into your make up, you crush out the good in yourself and bury the good. You kill your Brother. You look on the world scene today when a messenger or prophet comes up he brings the best out and the worst out at the same time. There are those who go along with the prophet, you see them trying to better their lives. Then there are those who hate the prophet, jealous of the success of the prophet so they raise up a group of people that they infect with their poison against the Prophet. But what is at the root of it? At the root of it is envy. At the root of that envy is the thought that went into the formation of them when they were being made. This is why anybody that teaches religion, good God Almighty. Pay attention good. Jesus said it is not the circumcision of the foreskin of the penis, but it is the circumcision of the heart. What do we mean? When you circumcise the penis you cut off the foreskin which hides the debris that’s in a dark place where it is dark and damp there is multiplication of bacteria. So in order to clean a penis that has not been circumcised you have to pull back the foreskin to keep it clean. Otherwise, during the act of procreation that dirty mass of bacteria will be injected into the woman even as the life germ is injected; death dealing bacteria is also injected at the same time. What does that mean on the spiritual or metaphysical level? It means that the heart that preaches the word of God out of envy, jealousy, and hatred for his Brother that is a heart that is corroded with disease. So when the word of God comes out of the mouth, the word comes out but the poison comes out with the word. Let me give you a very clear example of what I am speaking. Warrith Deen Muhammad who is the son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad evidently has a problem with his Father. So even though he is a profound teacher of wisdom, yet when the wisdom comes out it may be pure but it becomes contaminated with the poison of the rejection, dislike, and problem with his Father. So he produces a community that rejects his Father. They reject his Father not because they know his Father, not because his Father did anything wrong to them, but they reject him because the poison of a word spoken from a heart that was diseased. The difference when I speak to you, I don’t speak to you with malice in my heart for Warrith Dean, or for my Brothers and Sisters. I speak to you with a hope in my heart that the word will regenerate life in you and bring you up in that life. That is because the heart of the speaker is washed with the prayers and his hopes and aspirations towards purity so that he keeps cleaning himself and God keeps helping him to clean himself. And that’s why in the Holy Qur’an Allah says, “Arise and warn. Thy Lord do magnify, thy garments do purify, and uncleanness do shun.” Because if you do not purify your heart from hatred, malice, bitterness and resentment then you create a womb that will produce children after your warped, hateful, bitter, articulation of the word of God. And this is why we had to grow up, because you cannot preach the word of God with a heart filled with hatred for the white man. Allah says He is the Beneficent and the Merciful. And whenever hatred starts entering into your communication then you bring up children into that emotion which poisons absolutely the word of God. So people cannot see the word of God in its proper dimension simply because we the speaker of it are immature in our representation of the Beneficent. Because the wicked one that is here is only here by the permission of a God. And therefore when you see the wicked one and your desire to hate him and your desire to kill him and all of that that comes out of your word, therefore you poison the very word itself. And this is why the Messenger of God said it is expedient for you that I go away. I’ve taught you, I’ve given you a base, but I’m going away now. And I’m going away so that you can grow up into that word and a more mature expression of that word." #Farrakhan: How to give Birth to a God
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:16:25 +0000

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