The woman who ignites hope. In the swirling chaos that war - TopicsExpress


The woman who ignites hope. In the swirling chaos that war brings, a heart that is ablaze with compassion and blind love can change the world for the innocents who are caught in the turmoil. One woman who holds in her hands the best of hopes for humanity and the future of our children has thrown herself, without fear or bias, into the heart of the matter. She is the living proof that a smile, open arms and a free heart can inspire and ignite hope into those who were truly hopeless. Let us be the witnesses who watch the flames progress as light transfers from one to another. The people who have been displaced due to the war raging on in Shangal have suffered immensely. War has been a constant for those living here, and an unavoidable fact of life. Shayda Hesami reminds us of our own souls, and she helps not only those she touches, but she helps us all to see inside ourselves again. It only takes one to shadow the hate, to overpower the sadness and to reveal the way to move forward. While visiting camp Verdo, a camp for the people who were displaced by the fighting in Shangal, Shayda spent her time among the children. The unbridled joy that a simple hug can bring to one who has suffered so tremendously is heartrending. From the moment I set foot in the camp the anger was overwhelming. It was caked on the faces of those who occupied the small dirt floored tents as much as the dirt that stained their cheeks, and it streaked down their faces with the flood of infinite agony. The sorrow in the eyes of the people we met hit me like forceful waves, knocking me to my knees and bringing tears to my own eyes just by witnessing their endless struggle. This camp has long been overlooked by many, ignored and placed on the back burner to thicken into a mess of pain and need. One man had told me that no one knows hunger, no one understands what the epitome of anguish really is, not like those who are constantly being forced to go without the most basic of necessities. Government, aid relief organizations, the people in neighboring cities, none have offered up any sort of plan to help those who are caught in limbo at this camp. Yet even in the midst of such grief we were welcomed with love and respect, asked to join in tea while sitting on the earth floor. I saw innocents who, while most deserving of these things, were without shoes, warm clothes or blankets and even clean water and nourishing food.The small tents without floors were far to small to fit whole families, there were no heat sources, no water sources available for clean drinking water. And even in having so little, we were given what they had to share without question. I looked at the feet of those sitting on the wet ground near me; worn shoes with holes leaking in the cold dirty water and mud, and then at mine air tight and warm. I couldnt help but wonder where help for them was. I had hot food waiting for me in a warm home that beckoned me with a soft bed and they had none of these things, but in the place of what they lacked they carried a strength to keep enduring, to survive. It was then that I looked to Shayda, who has recently suffered her own personal losses yet holds the power within herself to give all she has to love those who need her attention and focus, and I realized that even in the worst possible situation all a person needs is a pair of warm arms around them to give them hope. I watched with awe and adoration as she picked up each child that ran to her and swung them in the air before kissing them. It wasnt the small and seemingly insignificant gifts that she had in her pockets that attracted so many to her, it was the absolute cleanness of her heart, the simplistic joy that a game of tag can give to a child who has had everything theyve ever known ripped away from them. The only true gift she held was that of light in the darkness, a beacon screaming to remember love and compassion are still within this world. She holds behind her bones not just a heart of flesh, but a fire that spreads beyond her own existence. She is the woman who ignites hope, and that spark is from the most sincere and generous of souls. To be continued... Camera - Zewar Fadhil music - Yad Hessami Edited - Sanger Abdulah Directed - Zewar Fadhil
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:02:34 +0000

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