The wonderful and critically important bonobo sanctuary, Lola ya - TopicsExpress


The wonderful and critically important bonobo sanctuary, Lola ya Bonobo, is the world’s only organisation to provide lifetime care to bonobos orphaned in the wild. As humans’ closest living relative, #bonobos hold the key to answering innumerable questions about humans. As the Lola website so insightfully recognises Most of us believe that humans are the most intelligent animal on earth. It’s true that we have been extremely successful, and we have impressive technology. But there is one problem we have not been able to overcome. We have not figured out how to avoid, murder, war, and bloodshed...Bonobos are the only great ape that have never been seen to kill their own kind. If we can figure out bonobos’ secret, we might be able to make our greatest accomplishment – world peace. It is this exact secret that Jeremy Griffiths breakthrough biological treatise unlocks. The love indoctrination hypothesis explains biologically our cooperative and loving past (using bonobos as evidence) and how and why we departed from that Garden of Eden state and became the ferocious and destructive force we are today. But most wonderfully, this biological explanation brings compassion and understanding to our corrupted condition and in doing so ends our species psychological insecurity and all the accompanying sin that goes with that insecurity, allowing for the world to transform and return to the wondrous world we once lived in. Yes, world peace! thebookthatsavestheworld/is-it-to-be-ch4-origin-of-humans-moral-instinctive-self-or-soul/
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:40:00 +0000

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