The wonderful thing about things that are true is they will - TopicsExpress


The wonderful thing about things that are true is they will withstand scrutiny and they will survive your questions. Demand evidence, follow that evidence wherever it leads, and question everything. There is no shame in not having all the answers. Faith is a mechanism of confirming bias and a tool of deception. Take anything that you are being asked to believe and do everything you can to DISPROVE it and apply logic and exercise reason. Dont look for ways to prove it. The wonderful thing is, if it is true, it will survive this test. What does it say if you are fearful or even told that doing this is bad? Lets take a common belief and apply logic, reason, and observable evidence to it and see if it survives... Many religions apply a time line to the age of the universe based on Bible scripture. It is almost universally accepted by the Christ centered, Bible teaching religions that the age of the Universe is about 6000-7000 years old. (I wont say all of them teach this but taking the Bible literally this is the accepted timeline) Here is a simple way to disprove that... go outside at night and look up at the stars. If you are seeing most of them you have just disproved this theory. The light from most of the stars would not have time to reach us were the universe only 6,000 years old. The oldest light we can see from Earth using the Hubble space telescope is 13.4 billion light years away. You can say that you disagree with science in the way these distances are calculated but if they were wrong we couldnt land rovers on mars and we couldnt fly a probe out to the furthest planets in the solar system. So why is this not a positive thing that we can know this? Why cant we just discard the wrong idea from our belief systems? I cant think of a more positive thing than educating yourself and empowering yourself with the ability to think critically, and to think scientifically, so that you can know when someone is feeding you a line of crap. But I will inevitably get backlash for this post and there will be those that will think Im being negative, being blasphemous, and being a heretic. Sigh.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 02:13:09 +0000

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