The wonderful world you slave for every day you go to work!! ENJOY - TopicsExpress


The wonderful world you slave for every day you go to work!! ENJOY IT!! "The Process of Transformation: Exactly what kind of transformation is being planned? The answer to that question must be examined with a long view of history in mind. In summary, engaging the United States in a ten year long protracted war against Al Qaeda, a CIA created and US Funded enemy, creating a Socialist State and draconian legislation to control the public with 24/7 surveillance, engage Russia and China into a Cyber–Intelligence confrontation. The trigger that initiates total chaos in the United States will most likely be economic. The possibility of a revaluation of the currency, a Banking Holiday similar to Cyprus, or a Cyber–Attack that shuts down the banking sector are all wild-cards that are yet to be played. Major population centers having been drawn into chaos, will seek government assistance – this eventuality has been planned for with FEMA Reeducation Centers and NORTHCOM. This also includes the purchase by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of over two billion rounds of ammunition, Assault Rifles and SWAT Military Transports in anticipation of these events. Other pre–planning maneuvers include Main Core, the collection some 8 million or more names compiled by the CIA and U.S. intelligence. Main Core is the list of individuals to be rounded up after the Constitution is suspended and martial law imposed, according to Michael Snyder who provided details, and explained fully in an article by Kurt Nimmo posted on June 12, 2013 titled: Government Keeps List of 8 Million Names Considered Threats The financial landscape has been prepared with many cities and towns on the verge of bankruptcy. As tensions increase globally, and tactical positions are taken by various countries, the buildup to a Nuclear First Strike and/or retaliatory Nuclear Strike becomes more possible. The objective – create total chaos and the need to consolidate prior to or from the Nuclear attack threat from China and Russia. Once these steps are complete, an emerging Super State in the form of the North American Union will occur. The dominant and unrivaled Super Power will be the United States, Canada and Mexico which will now be the North American Union, thus fulfilling the 20 year plan for a New American Century. Along with this transformation into a super–state, will be the complete control of the people. The emergence of the Security Police State, will be tasked with insuring peace and cooperation to guarantee survival of the North American Union. Whether this process can be reversed is debatable. Among other actions, exposing the root of this globalist plan could take the form of a Criminal Investigation into the False–Flag Attacks on 9/11 – which stands as the root cause of the War on Terror and serves as the rationale for every government control since 9/11. 9/11 ushered in the beginning of this Coup d’état. The events following 9/11 bear out a master plan to control and subjugate The People to go along with it. The Republic we once knew will be transformed into a Fascist–Corporate Technocratic Police State exercising complete control via an advanced control grid. Managing the population will be accomplished with robot equipped troops augmented with Surveillance Drone technology. RFID Technology and Virtual Electronic Currency will control all individual and business transactions. All communication and information gathering will be managed by systems such as the NSA Data Center in Utah – providing real–time monitoring. Most people will live in Mega–Cities and every action will be recorded. The ultimate goal of the Elite is the North American Union – and the superstructure to manage it is being built on a daily basis. Each and every day that the truth about 9/11 is ignored, we move that much closer to the destruction of our Republic and the Elite’s Orwellian Reality"
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 22:51:36 +0000

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