The word ‘apocalypse’, which is often used as a fear-invoking - TopicsExpress


The word ‘apocalypse’, which is often used as a fear-invoking way of referring to the end of times, is actually a Greek word that simply means ‘unveiling’...this current time/season is, in fact, an apocalypse, but not in the popularized negative sense...this current time in which we are living is a time for an unveiling of truth... Jesus talked about the end of the age, not the end of the world, as so many theologians who have taken His words out of context have said...the Mayans werent really wrong about I understand it, they werent predicting the end of the world a couple of years ago as much as they were predicting a shift in cosmic consciousness (the knowledge of the Lord shall fill all the earth as the waters cover the sea)...what the prophet Joel saw as a time in which the Spirit would be poured out on all flesh is perhaps what astrologers call the dawning of the Age of Aquarius (who pours water out of an urn)...and that began, as I understand it, around 2012...just as Toto removed the curtain to reveal the truth about the Wizard, we too are being shown the reality of that classic story (parable), Dorothy’s companions came to the realization that the great Wizard was nothing more than a deceitful and fearful human, and that their own personal power had always resided within...the same is true for us (Paul talked about Christ being revealed IN HIM when he was finally separated from his religious tradition) the truth unveils itself into our awareness, all untruths are passing away, and we are finding ourselves having to see things for what they actually are for the first a word, its the greatest time to be alive...there is certainly so much in the world that needs improvement, and if you choose to have a world-view that sees the glass half-empty, you can find a lot to get depressed about...but everywhere I look I see improvement...I see possibilities...I see awareness...I see opportunity...and I believe that its only going to get better...have a beautiful day...
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:01:34 +0000

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