The word for today is sharing. Sharing is something that must be - TopicsExpress


The word for today is sharing. Sharing is something that must be taught in a Christian home, it must be taught because sharing is contrary to the culture in which we live. Our culture teaches that we are what we have, that is we are what is exclusively ours. What’s mine is mine is mine. In our culture we do not generally speak about sharing a game, but winning a game – winning is about owning something exclusively. Things have changed in sports, what I remember was the importance of good sportsmanship, and we cheered the other team in recognition of the game we had shared together, we enjoyed the game, and it wouldn’t have been possible without them, and it is right to thank them, regardless of who won. The problem is that I don’t hear this these days, and what I do hear is a lot of win at all costs – because, to use the proverb of our culture – winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. That does not leave any room for sharing. You see, the church is all about sharing, if believers hadn’t shared their faith with us, if they had not shared with us the gospel (1Cor. 15:1-4), if they had not shared with us the word of God, we would not have heard, and the Holy Spirit would not have been able to work faith in our heart and we would not be saved – because we never would have heard about what Jesus did on the cross.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 08:15:26 +0000

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