The word in Season for July 30th. In the early days of the church, - TopicsExpress


The word in Season for July 30th. In the early days of the church, one hot topic of constant conversation and deliberation was the relationship between the Jews and the Gentiles. The issue revolved around whether the Gentiles had to become Jews first before they became Christians. Paul here compared the faith of the Gentiles to that of the Jews. Gentiles were right with God because of their faith, Paul said. On the other hand, some Jews sought to get right with God by following the rules. This question still haunts us. Consider how you would answer the question of how we are saved. Do we come into right relationship with God based on our belief in Jesus Christ, or be aide we are good people who do good works? Paul argued that it is our faith alone that saves us and brings us into right relationship with God. Earlier in Romans, Paul wrote: " For if a while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his son, much more surely, having been reconciled, will we be saved by his life" Romans 5:10 Take some time today and reflect on your salvation. Consider the ways you can live in faithfulness to God.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 21:38:02 +0000

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