The word of today. Dear Blessed One, This Our God is an - TopicsExpress


The word of today. Dear Blessed One, This Our God is an Awesome God. You can see God from anywhere if your mind and heart is set to love and obey Him. What God sendsis better than what man asks for. The Chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. Let your Worship to God be real and fire, pour your heart to God in Praise and thanksgiving, release your Isaac, your only Son to Him. God deserves our Best in Worship not our surplus if we want to see his Glory. Come with a heart to please Him, He will let Man serve You in joy and Peace. Move from What you will get from Him, get to the level what you can give to him, remember you can not out give God. No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”Matthew 6:24 Don’t fool yourself; don’t think you will receive anything from the Lord being double-minded. I don’t know you. You know yourself. You know whether you believe this word or not. However, whether you believe or not does not change the infallibility of the word of God. The word of God is immovable; unchangeable and unbreakable. Nothing can be done to the word. Heaven and earth may pass away, but no word of God will return unfulfilled. So it is not about the word of God, it is about you. The word of God is like a seed. You know quite well that no matter how good the seed is, if it is not planted on the right soil, try all you can, it will not grow. The same thing with the word of God; if your heart is not receptive to the word of God, irrespective of the number of prayer lines you stand on, the word will still not work. But that will not be your portion in Jesus’ name. In the scripture we read today, it shows you cannot serve two masters. It is not possible. Are you already in the kingdom of God but functioning and operating in the devils kingdom? Check yourself; yes you have accepted the Lord as your personal Lord and Saviour, but the way you carry on is not in agreement with the kingdom principles. It is clear you cannot serve two masters. You cannot straddle the fence – one leg in the church but one leg in the world. You want the blessings of God but you also want to be identified with the styles( You understand). No it does not work. That was why Jesus said to the church in Laodecia – you are neither hot nor cold. Look at the verdict of Jesus, because you are neither hot nor cold, I will spue you out of My mouth. Can you imagine? You can give it a try – attempt to drink lukewarm tea. For most people with low tolerance level, they immediately feel like throwing up. Why? It is simply because you cannot place it – if it is hot then you can accommodate it and if cold, you know it is cold from the moment you pick the cup. But when it is neither hold nor cold you really don’t know what to do with it. It is just nauseating and not desired by anyone. May that not be your portion? Make up your mind to serve God and the blessings will follow you in Jesus’ name. Remember, God has Prepare a Mega Blessing for you this afternoon and come with friends and loved one to the dinner table of God. See with a Heart to receive this Mega Move over life. Remember, He is ready for you. Time is 3pm. Thought for the Day:Sin is a deadly virus that must be surgically removed by God in his theatre. Prayer- Good, Good God, We bless you this Sunday, We pray that your Grace to serve you in flow within us daily and empower to stand for you in this last days in Jesus Name. Pray and praise for our coming thanksgiving. Praise God for all his Protection over you and peace. Praise God because you still have your breath. Praise Him for New Waves Chapel. Spend time this Glorious Day to Praise and Worship Him. Two week from now is our Annual Thanksgiving Service. Prepare yourselves and family for this Kingdom Feast. Pray about your sacrifice to God and invite others for this Celebration Service. Gust Preachers, Musicians and Best Food will serve. Mark it in your Calendar. Visit our Website for further details. Have a Blessed Sunday, Pastor Portia & Henry Biney.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:40:59 +0000

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