The words from the deputy prime-minister indicate that he remains - TopicsExpress


The words from the deputy prime-minister indicate that he remains adamant about propping up the reprobate ConDem government, until May 2015. For the thereafter, the man has now changed his plans from continuing a second term of the Coalition, to grudgingly “having to share power with Labour,” while singing Labour’s praises for allegedly wanting to embrace the possibility of governing with HIM. He gave more ConDem anti-Labour scare stories and diatribe about sky-rocket public spending, and “breaking the bank.” So is that all the thanks Labour gets for being in tandem with President Obama in 2008 to bail out the world banking industry with government bonds, and thereby stop all of the world’s banks going bankrupt like dominoes, after the collapse of the colossal Lehman Brothers bank? When in government aren’t we careful with the public’s spending money by providing working tax credits, child benefits etc to ensure everyone has a basic income to live on? Doesn’t Labour provide the NHS, police, and education that are very high quality and affordable to everybody? Labour is careful with money, as per the principle of Alan Johnson MP. I share Ed Miliband and Harriet Harman’s views that Labour cannot form a coalition with the fib-dems. Judas Clegg baloneyed the BBC that while Labour has changed, the Tories have too and “become more ideological.” I have always understood the Tories’ ideology, illustrated by David Cameron when he once bellowed at Gordon Brown in the Commons: “I AM A FAN of Margaret Thatcher!” Thatcherism, aka neo-liberalism is the Tories’ ideology, which they impose upon us by subterfuge and force. Clegg in front of Radio 4 had the temerity to blame Tory backbenchers for driving David Cameron to the right! What waffle! The late Iron Lady’s disciple Cameron makes her seem like Mother Theresa! Clegg is cultivating a pretence that Tory and fib-dem policies are driving further apart and becoming more distinct, in the run up to the general election. He is deceiving voters into respectively supporting the fib-dems and Tories of their choice, and if they do all they will do is get the ConDem government back in a second term! I calculate that Judas Clegg’s membership of the Cambridge Student’s Conservative Association has never expired! Clegg’s changing stance indicates that an increasing number of Liberal Democrats are unhappy with the marriage of their party to the Tories. One said she did not want her party to be an “annex of the Tory party.” Lord Oakeshott is seriously concerned about Liberal Democrat electoral credibility. There is a lot of “self-delusion and complacency” going on in the party, he says in The Telegraph. The way Judas Clegg’s poll ratings are going, there won’t be enough fib-dem MPs to fill a phone box at the next general election. The fib-dems wed the Tories in 2010 after a 23% share of the vote, their biggest national election result ever, which now hovers around 10%. On a Recent BBC Sunday Politics show, Andrew Neal said that a leading Liberal Democrats made television history by saying it was time to refound his party’s credentials by parting with the Tories before it heads on to electoral annihilation. Jeremy Browne MP is uneasy about promoting Lib-dem values while wed to the Tories, and Baroness Williams is worried about the PR artists, Press Release clutterers and indoctrinators who Clegg surrounds himself with. Vince Cable has described being in Coalition with the Tories as “fighting a war.” The fib-dems take cash off gun runners just like the Tories do. The fib-dem gun runner donor Sudhir and Bhanu has just been busted by the serious fraud office for bribery amounting to half a million quid, while being hosted by Judas Clegg at a government mansion. The Lib-dems at the Wythenshawe bi-election looked very disappointed indeed after losing their deposit. Judas Clegg’s prop-up jack of the ConDem government is creaking and crumbling. We can be watchful and hopeful that all of the developments here are portent of better things to come for the people of Britain. theguardian/politics/2014/feb/17/nick-clegg-hint-coalition-labour theguardian/politics/2014/feb/14/liberal-democrat-donors-sudhir-bhanu-choudhrie
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 17:06:27 +0000

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